Havent been here in a while.... Was up... check this out


Knows whats up
well, ive made alot of gear... but what i could not do is make 400mg enan painless... or thin... i think it was because i did not use enough BB....
i am planning on making 500mg enan for myself, because i barely react to juice, ive never reacted strongly so maybe i just need high doses... ima try it out...
last time i made a gear, i decided to go higher on the BB to make it thinner... i was thinking of 3% BA and 15% BB for this enan...
should i do 5/15 to make it a X/3X combo... or does it make a difference you think?

want it to be thin too... well as thin as it can be anyway...
shoot some opinions...
Oh and douge, ima PM you .... hit me back
First use the thinnest oil you can find. Walnut would be a great candidate for this. I buy it at the grocery store. Next id cut the ba to 1%. Finally, up the bb to whatever you feel is tolerable without pain. The bb isnt necessary at all but it will thin the batch out a little. Go with 20% and see how that feels. Ive never shot much more than 0.22cc/1cc (22%) of bb in any gear, but it is always pain free. I thin all my high mg/ml stuff out with bb, and yes it makes a big difference.
my enan 500 was pain free after the first couple of shots. no biggy before that. no ba/bb. i heat everytime to thin it. worked like a charm when i had it. switched over to cyp because didnt like that messy shit all over me. same with deca.

if i did it again i wouild use 1% ba and thinner oil. but like in said a little bit of heat on the stove top/hot plate for a few secs makes a world of difference in viscosity.

but that was in a differnt life time. i am an offically retired old fart now. pb labs is closed and out of business. least til these politicians get off their high horses.