Hawgslayer Takes Down A Purse Snatcher


New member
Ok Fellas, here is the bona fide story of a very interesting event that took place last Saturday night. I travelled to the Philippines to spend a week with my GF. While there we went touring around and ended up in the mountains in some tourist type city. We are walking along when this punk comes up from behind and goes for her phone. Now, this is where things get interesting. He gets the phone and I snap. In a split second I am on this guy(a tackle that would have been the play of the week had it been during any one of the NFL games of the day) I grab the guys mane and slam his face into the sidewalk. He tossed the phone in the scuffle and after tasting the sweet taste on cement he gave up, no fight left in him. Fearing he may have boys on the way to his rescue and my girl there I had to get to my feet. I gave him a love tap and off he went on his marry way.

I am not sure what to make of this. This is not in my character. Before Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) I would have froze up like a pussy. This was pure instinct. I felt at the time like it was a out of body experience. WTF? I am proud of myself for doing a good thing but I don't understand where it came from. Does anyone have any ideas? I am liking this feeling, but I am concerned. I don't want to snap into beast mode when it is not appropriate.
From the details you provided, sounds like your response was appropriate. Of course if you were in the States, Texas excluded, that punk probably would have sued you for mental pain and suffering....and won!

I also have to believe you GF takes comfort in the fact that when it comes down to fight or flight, you're sticking around to take care of business.

I've noticed my attitude is much different as well. To me its mostly just increased confidence. I hope if I find myself in a similar situation I do what you did.
Glad things worked out, that could have gone all sorts of wrong from him pulling a gun or knife to you acidently killing him when he hit the cement. I'd probably have reacted the same way.
Awesome!!! Beat down MAXIMUS STYLE! I'd love to throw a few "old stories" around, but it may make me look a bit unprofessional!..... As if I've ever really worried about what anyone thought of me.... :hahano: (Oooops) ;-)

Way to protect your girl, HAWG!!

My heart rate never increased. I was cool as a cucumber during this whole event. I even giggled once it was over. (cue a scene from "Silence of the Lambs") This was the most interesting part of the entire ordeal. I never lost my cool or my edge. I was in control the whole time.

Prior to becoming a Brother in Arms, I would have had a severe, crippling, anxiety attack. This would have rendered me a pile of twitching, and quivering pussy meat. My whole life I have always been afraid. Not this time. Things are different now, I am a man. No, I am the man. I can't put this down in words but it seems as though maybe I have suffered from low T my entire life. I guess..

This incident is not isolated as the experiences I have had since becoming a part of the "hood" but certainly one that makes me take pause and think of the total transformation from being a welcome mat for the world at large to becoming a total Alpha Male.

To Chip and the Brothers, a sincere thank you. To the douchebag purse snatcher, better luck next time?

I am currently working on posting before and "after" pics (the after pics at this point should be considered a progress point rather than a finish line), but I want to make one thing clear. There is so much more to Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) than pics. There is a profound experience to be held by those of us brothers who have lived with low T for any ammount of time.

Hooraw Maximus!

BTW, I hail from Texas! Nothing but a real Texas ASS Whippin that this ol boy got. Wish I had a Maximus branding iron to burn this memory into his hide! Just Sayin!

Oh yeah and one other thing. After proving myself to be "The Man" this was the first night I made love to the new GF. It was incredible.

Chip, I cant thank you enough for helping guys like me. We can take our lives back and, as it seems, take it to places never believed possible. I am in your debt.
Ok Fellas, here is the bona fide story of a very interesting event that took place last Saturday night. I travelled to the Philippines to spend a week with my GF. While there we went touring around and ended up in the mountains in some tourist type city. We are walking along when this punk comes up from behind and goes for her phone. Now, this is where things get interesting. He gets the phone and I snap. In a split second I am on this guy(a tackle that would have been the play of the week had it been during any one of the NFL games of the day) I grab the guys mane and slam his face into the sidewalk. He tossed the phone in the scuffle and after tasting the sweet taste on cement he gave up, no fight left in him. Fearing he may have boys on the way to his rescue and my girl there I had to get to my feet. I gave him a love tap and off he went on his marry way.

I am not sure what to make of this. This is not in my character. Before Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) I would have froze up like a pussy. This was pure instinct. I felt at the time like it was a out of body experience. WTF? I am proud of myself for doing a good thing but I don't understand where it came from. Does anyone have any ideas? I am liking this feeling, but I am concerned. I don't want to snap into beast mode when it is not appropriate.

Hell YA!!!!!!!! We need to call you THUGSLAYER just for a day bro!!!!!!!!!

YOU ARE A TRUE MAXIMUS Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) CYBORG!!!!!!!!!
Nice job man! That douche got what he deserved. I've definately noticed the same attitude change that you described when I started with maximus. As a matter of fact a couple of guys at work have commented on my personality change. I went from timid and anxious to telling people what I'm thinking and not giving a crap what they think or if they like it. I'm my own man now. If I don't agree with someone I tell them with vigor. I used to just clam up and bottle everything up, and of course it all came out, usually at the most inconvenient time. Maximus freaking changed my life! testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for life baby! :squintfin
Hawgslayer, you are the man. I know this thread is a month old, but your story deserves a big bump. I think that I've also always had low T. Now I know why we're all Bros... We can all relate. Let me guess. You were so confident and clear headed that there was no doubt that this scumbag was going down. Also props to you for being so clear headed afterwards to even think of the possibility that others could show up.

If you couldn't do this, you might be suffering low T.