HCG and Adderrall dick..


New member
Hey guys,

I thought this area of the forum would be appropriate for my question being that Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is commonly used when ending an AAS cycle.

I'll start by stating that I'm a 27 yo male. I was just put on Adderrall for a longstanding ADD issue (30mg daily, 15mg broken down into two daily doses).

I'll make it 100% clear that I am taking the medicine for my ADD and that is the sole reason I even started on Adderrall.. but with that said, I am not minding the appetite suppression that's coming with adderrall at all.

My issue? the Adderrall is KILLING my sex drive. Being in a relationship with my live-in girlfriend, that creates a pretty substantial problem.

My question is simple: In your opinion, would Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) do ANY help regarding getting my sex drive back in order? I ask because it seems to do so for many ofmy friends when coming off of an AAS cycle. Additionally, with all the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) being the "in" diet trend at the moment, the injectible version is readily (and legally) available tome from a diet consultant right down the street from me.

I know the obvious answer for some may be to get on some test, but even at a low dose that's just not an option for me right now.

Anyone's opinion on this would be great. I mean, my nuts haven't hung ever since I started this medication (approx 2 weeks ago).

Again, any and all input on this will be much appreciated.

Thanks all in advance.
I'll also add that I still get in quality foods daily. I want to rule out diet being an issue because I am still eating properly and not at a severe calorie deficit. When I referred to the appetite suppression, I meant it in a way that I enjoy the way it kills cravings for crap foods (i.e.: pizza, ice cream, etc). My diet has been packed with calories from lean proteins, solid carbs, and good sources of fats. Just thought I'd add that in.
Is viagra an option for you, I know it might be looked down upon by some people but in the "steroid world" its a great component to help fight ED.
I wouldnt start taking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) just to increase your sex drive. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) itself can shut down your natural test production. You might want to try Viagra or cialis like the other guys said. That would be a safer option. Working out helps my sex drive alot and just makes me feel good overall. Maybe you should try a good workout routine. And don't forget the squats.
Is viagra an option for you, I know it might be looked down upon by some people but in the "steroid world" its a great component to help fight ED.

Thanks and good call, the thought definitely crossed my mind.. but I don't feel like I'm quite that bad to the point where I need that.

I'm not completely out of commission bedroom wise... just not where I was at when I started taking Adderrall. Just looking for a small boost to minimize the side effects of the medication.

Thanks so much for your input.
Dude try out the Liquid Cia, sometimes I just rock it because I feal like taking things to the moon, and I have no ED issues in the first place. The ladies will thank you
1/2 to full tab of cialis, viagra, or levitra will temp. solve your problem. the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is also temporary fix.

IMO ditch the fucking adderall unless you dont want to have sex anymore... find another ADD medication especially for adults that wont kill you sex drive like Adderall XR doses Have you tried either Concerta, Focalin XR, or Vyvanse? If you cant deal with the sides maybe learn behavioral ways to control your ADHD i dunno know but no sex at 27 is a bigger problem.
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talk to your Dr and voice your concerns. I had the same problem when i was put on Adderall but it went away over time. i think the first month i was on it i had that problem but it goes away....or at least did for me
Two things, one you could use cialis just to help with erections and maintain. Two, if you read the side effects for adderall, increase or decrease can be a side. Most people report hypersexual activity others are on the other side and have a drop.

Also after long periods of time libido can drop on this. Some of it is in a loss of sensation, plus draining of dopamine/seretonin levels which tend to downregulate receptors over time.

My advice is use some cialis, talk to your doc about it, and take Natrol brand 5-HTP 100mg or the time release right before bed. It will help you sleep and will help replace seretonin levels. Also you might Wang to try a methyphenadate instead of adderall, basically different forms of Ritalin.

Also your dose could be to high or try not to take it close to bed time and once it has some clearance time you might be ok.

I would get your hormones checked as well. Many drugs, usually the opiates lower test levels and can essentially raise estro which could cause your problem.

Hcg is not a good idea either. It may help for a very short time but can cause permanent damage to lydegs and increase estro, which would be bad.
IMO Long-term Adderall use is not worth the side effects. It fucks you all up for a while, then you get addicted to it and you just feel all strung out and need it to feel normal. Its straight up speed.

But, if you really want to keep taking it, like these guys said maybe just wait it out and you'll feel normal once your body gets used to having it in your system all the time, or try viagra or cialis. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is definitely a no-go, you can't use it for very long without the possibility of permanently damaging your receptors, and using it will potentially shut down your HPTA axis which will destroy your libido way worse and require other drugs to restore.

At least this is my understanding of things.
good advise guys

side note
im not so sure about the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) statements. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is considered a fertility drug like clomid. feritility clinics keep men on it for 6months to a year to increase sperm count and sometimes a low dose of clomid too. so it is used for extensive periods of time to improve testicular function. treat ppl with hypoganidizem etc. i metion it because i really dont know?
man what do you need adderrall for? you're 27 so I'll assume you aren't in school. How is add affecting your life so badly that you need a medication that drastically alters your brain chemistry? sack up man you don't need that shit at your age, take some personal responsibility