Hcg, clomid, or both? Low sperm count...


New member
My wife & I been trying to get pregnant for close to 1yr.(33yrs old) (probably didn't happen because i was on cycle)
Been off cycle for about 4months. Ran proper pct for 6wks after (clom/nolva/hcg*)*

Sperm Analysis/ Test / FSH / LH (Results)

Sperm Count - 10million /ml (Normal is at least 20mil/ml)
Progressive (sperm % actually moving forward) - 18%
(those are the only two redflags I believe in sperm analysis)

Test Serum - 484 ng/dL
LH - 5.6 mIU/mL
FSH - 8.2 mIU/mL

All my urologist said was to test sperm count in 1 month again. He did not suggest anything else (No changes , no clomid, no hcg, hmg, etc...)

I have both Clomid, and hcg on hand (no hmg)
What do you guys suggest? I wanted to try something for a month or 2, then go back and get another sperm analysis & bloodwork done.

My wife & I been trying to get pregnant for close to 1yr.(33yrs old) (probably didn't happen because i was on cycle)
Been off cycle for about 4months. Ran proper pct for 6wks after (clom/nolva/hcg*)*

Sperm Analysis/ Test / FSH / LH (Results)

Sperm Count - 10million /ml (Normal is at least 20mil/ml)
Progressive (sperm % actually moving forward) - 18%
(those are the only two redflags I believe in sperm analysis)

Test Serum - 484 ng/dL
LH - 5.6 mIU/mL
FSH - 8.2 mIU/mL

All my urologist said was to test sperm count in 1 month again. He did not suggest anything else (No changes , no clomid, no hcg, hmg, etc...)

I have both Clomid, and hcg on hand (no hmg)
What do you guys suggest? I wanted to try something for a month or 2, then go back and get another sperm analysis & bloodwork done.


I would blast hcg for 20days, 2000iu eod then cruise at 250iu twice a week

edit- also by your levels your primary soo i don't think clomid is really gonna help much? i may be wrong, but i worked with my urologist and that is the regiment he put me on but i blasted 2000iu for 6 weeks, but i would just try for 20 days and see how you feel because high doses of hcg like that desensitize the leydig cells

also people get girls pregnant while on cycle, while on trt, and in all different situations while shut down....all your levels look alright.. your test is a little low but idk your history with anabolics and like you said you pretty much just got off soo you may still be rebounding... i would do like i said and take 2000iu blast of hcg eod or 3 times a week and fuck your brains out
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6000iu a week (2000x3)..... Damn, I better stock up on more hcg then!

Would it hurt to add in any clomid at either 25mg/50mg a day?
well what clomid does is stimulate FSH and LH production and your FSH and LH is in range... so the problem lies in the testes...your not hypo due to your levels however your testes aren't simulating spermogensis soo i"m pretty sure HCG would be your best option

and if your working with a uro why can't you just bring up that you've read about HCG for fertility and would like to try it out.....it's not an outrageous request

edit- also i've got like 50,000ius laying around lol
I actually spoke to him but he wanted to run several sperm analysis first. But that is over $200 out of my pocket each time, because insurance doesn't cover infertility.

I'd rather not do a ton of random test if he's not making any changes to me to Improve my count.
I actually spoke to him but he wanted to run several sperm analysis first. But that is over $200 out of my pocket each time, because insurance doesn't cover infertility.

I'd rather not do a ton of random test if he's not making any changes to me to Improve my count.

then talk to him about it over the phone and ask him to call in a script for HCG, or like you said just do it yourself and get bloodwork done thru privatemdlabs you can get a sperm analysis thru them too..
I can easily get get the hcg. And I did my blood work Thursday a private lab.

I was just hoping he would give more direction to me. I've spoke to him 3 times.
I can easily get get the hcg. And I did my blood work Thursday a private lab.

I was just hoping he would give more direction to me. I've spoke to him 3 times.

i'm lucky my urologist is specializes in this area, and is one of the best in the country when it comes to TRT and anything to do with male hormones etc... he has tons of published studies on the matter... so i truly trust his advice and don't really deter from what he tells me to do...

some urologist really don't know much and just use the cookie cutter shit that they've always used without any personalization
What's bad also, is that privatemdlab doesn't offer a semen analysis test. Also, I found another site that let's me order a test .... But there is no lab in my state to perform it.

My local hospital lab did my first test. $215
What's bad also, is that privatemdlab doesn't offer a semen analysis test. Also, I found another site that let's me order a test .... But there is no lab in my state to perform it.

My local hospital lab did my first test. $215

idk much about sperm analysis 215 might not be a bad price?
Fuck her in the dog position more and when you cum make sure she cums a couple seconds later. Only takes 1:10,000,000!
My urologist? I seriously doubt it just from the experience I've had with him so far.

then you may want to definitely find a new doc

Fuck her in the dog position more and when you cum make sure she cums a couple seconds later. Only takes 1:10,000,000!

really dude? go somewhere else with that stupid shit.. this is a serious question OP is asking

sounds like you need a fertility specialist.. there are drugs out there that are much more powerful than hcg

Thanks for advice fellas!

I do have insurance, but insurance doesn't cover fertility. I also have clomid and hcg on hand. I just wasn't going going to proceed with that route unless I had some good feedback.