HCG Diet Info


New member
Does anyone have anymore info on the HCG Diet? 500 calories per day does not seem like enough for someone to survive. Im 6'2'' 275 lbs and thick and muscular. I have a hard time getting lean, but I have recently changed my diet. Now I am considering the HCG Diet? Should I stack it with anything else?
I am going to be starting the hcg diet protocol soon, I am just waiting on the delivery of the hcg. I have everything else.
The food you eat is 500 calories yes, but the body uses the fat that is released and sends it through the blood stream, which your body then uses as fuel. The rest is expelled through your urine. I think one pound of fat yields 2500-3500 calories.
Now I am not going to use anything else while on the Protocol. Better safe than sorry, I have heard people using appetite suppressants, but you should need one. As far as aas, I wouldn't but I like to do things the way they originally designed the protocol, cycle etc...
I have been looking at doing this for the last three years. I plan on posting pics here and log, just to keep track of whole experience.
anyways pm if you need some more info.
Yeah, Um uh, good luck with that.....Sure.........................:wtf: Dont you think that Bodybuilders after all these years using hcg for post cycle therapy (pct) would have found some "magic" fat loss effects from mega doses of hcg after coming off a cycle ? Jesus H christ, people really think thier is some magic bullet to gettin ripped ! NO THERE IS NOT !!!!! 500 cal a day can do harm to your metabolism fella... Thats just fucking ridiculous. If you believe that bullshit I got some real affordable beachfront real estate here in Az for ya !!!!!
Their is no "magic bullet" but there some out of box ideas that work.
You use hcg to regain the use of your testicle function after a steroid cycle.
That same medicine is used to help women ovulate to release more eggs than normal to get pregnant.
That same medicine helps kids who are not maturing to do so.
It also protects the fetus from being aborted by the body as it is seen as a foreign body and enemy.
It also is a marker for tumors.
Women produce hundreds of thousands of units of this hormone during pregnancy.
So that one "medicine" hormone that is derived from either a woman's urine or placenta during pregnancy and has MANY uses other than during pregnancy.
HCG is useless for weight loss, if you know anything about biochemistry you would realize that it would actually make you put on weight, especially in females.

500 calories a day is starving yourself. Any self respecting bodybuilder/lifter wouldnt risk the muscle loss of a starvation diet.

Carb cycling works better.
Is there are source of information you can share with me about that statement?

I haven't read anything about hcg making you gain weight.

I guess vanity makes people do a lot of silly things, like doing steroids, because anyone who has done steroids has all died right?
t is important to know that not all Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) diets are created equal. At HCGdiet.com we strive to provide you with a complete diet program that will assist you during your entire weight loss experience. HCGdiet.com's proven Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) drops, literature and impressive customer support make HCGdiet.com a leading provider of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) drops. You will benefit from the simple and tasty recipes, step by step instructions and shopping lists that are included in our unique literature. We offer free unlimited coaching and support. Trying to save a few dollars on your diet can mean the difference between success and failure. WE ARE HCGDIET.COM We have poured measureless time and energy into our original diet packets and support programs. We are proud to have over 60,000 happy return customers. We are ready to help you lose up to 2 pounds a day.
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