HCG Dosage Question


New member
Hey guys, I got 5 bottles of 2000iu HCG, I have a few websites on how to prepare the stuff but my question is what dosage do you recommend for a Test-E\Deca cycle?

I plan on doing this immediately post cycle for 18 days right before my PCT's. And as far as the dosages go, how do I measure it properly with the pins?

I'd appreciate any input
Hey guys, I got 5 bottles of 2000iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), I have a few websites on how to prepare the stuff but my question is what dosage do you recommend for a Test-E\Deca cycle?

I plan on doing this immediately post cycle for 18 days right before my PCT's. And as far as the dosages go, how do I measure it properly with the pins?

I'd appreciate any input

I would blast 500iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ED for 17days, then 4 days later start serm treatment. The measurements for pinning Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) depend on your dilution.

What is your proposed mixing solution for the hcg?
What are you test/deca dosages every week?
How long you gonna run the test?
How long you gonna run the deca?
Have you considered running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on-cycle as well as blast?