HCG prices in TJ

Interesting that you find Nolva difficult to find. The generic is cheap and everywhere. I can't remember what I paid but it comes in a bottle of 100 - I may have paid $15+/-
Re: Re: HCG prices in TJ

Juice Authority said:
$7 for 5000iu's. And yes, it is available in Mex. Nolva is harder to get down there right now.

Well I just got back yesterday and found Gonakor everywhere 2500 IU's. Too bad there was no Profasi or Organon anywhere, but I grabbed some Loeffler 10,000 IU kits in the granero for $28 each. Next time I will just stick with int'l as the border crossing was not fun....it was long and hot and they nitpicked with alot more questions this time than any other time I have ever been there...and I don't really care to sit and chat with border agents...:ugh:, :worried: