HCG right before blood work...Did I mess up?


New member
Long story short... I am on Dr. Prescribed TRT of .5ml e7D test cyp. My last blood draws had my levels at 520 peak and 302 on day 7. I decided to try every 5th day since my 7th day levels were so low and I felt terrible on days 6 and 7. I also bought some hcg and started 500ius twice a week to help with testicular atrophy that has been terrible. I had blood work done Friday morning and not thinking took hcg like 1-1/2 hours before my draw. My test level was 1484! This was 72 hours after my last test injection. Did the hcg cause this high number?
Not very well but my e2 was 46 which I believe to be the reason. My balls are responding however. I felt great after going to every 5th day before adding the hcg.
so you felt not good for the next day, 2 days 3 days? IMHO - u feel bad because you didnt get ur test protocol dialed in before you self treated with hCG. Not being critical at all, I did the same thing. 500 IU every 3.5 days is not unreasonable. When I was on hCG I was doing 250 IU e 3.5days and to be honest, i felt the best i have ever felt on TRT.
Also my LH was .1 and FSH was <.2 is that normal with the hcg?

That's normal for being on TRT. Your pituitary is shut off when you inject exogenous testosterone. :)

I've never heard of HCG doing that before; a *small* increase in both estradiol and testosterone is normal, but not almost tripling your total test. When you say peak, how many hours post injection were you getting the blood draw? (at the E7D protocol)

Also, how long have you been on TRT?
On trt for 4 months. The peak draw was approx 48 hours after injection per my Dr. Which is a general physician not endo or hrt doc.
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I don't plan to stay on 500 ius of hcg for long. Just trying to regain some size. I planned to go to 250ius twice a week after I see some improvement. I ask my dr about hcg and an ai but she didn't bite.
On trt for 5 months. The peak draw was approx 48 hours after injection per my Dr. Which is a general physician not endo or hrt doc.

I can think of three scenarios here. The first being that the HCG you sourced is not really HCG. The second being that the testosterone you had (same vial?) was underdosed - I have seen this multiple times with compounding pharmacies, and you got a properly dosed vial. The third being that it's a lab error - which albeit fairly rare, does happen.

I've heard that there are two main labs in Canada, one of which has a proper range (250-1150ng/dL) and has less errors, while the other caps at about where the one you went to does - and tends to see a higher incidence of issues. I'd ask for a retest at your original dose, and see what the deal is.

You are indeed fighting a battle as many doctors aren't willing to prescribe an AI or HCG, even though they really are necessary for most of us.
I believe you may be right about the test being under-dosed. I thought my numbers should have been higher the first time. If my hcg isn't hcg what do you think it could be?
I believe you may be right about the test being under-dosed. I thought my numbers should have been higher the first time. If my hcg isn't hcg what do you think it could be?

It could be testosterone powder, it could be DHT, it could be lots of things. A pregnancy test is the best way to know really. (Yes, I'm serious - there are threads on how to test HCG. :))