heavy cable crunches


New member
those of you that do heavy cable ab crunches, do your bis get tightened up or pumped cuase of the tension?

I do them with my knees on the ground from the high pulley.
actually sometimes my lats get pumped if i am holding the rope behind my head slightly.
try doing them standing..if your feeling it in your Bi's most likely the weight is too heavy and you are NOT pulling from your core

doing them stading will take the hip flexors out of the move..most people dont have a clue when it comes to abs..like the hanging leg raise-almost no one understands what is being worked (your hip flexors) it doesnt hit your abs until you begin to curl your legs up past 90 degrees..

how about the assclowns who use the decline or roman chair with the bench jacked up so high..all that does is hit the sacrum and your hip flexors and uses less abs..

nothing wrong with those exercises just make sure youre using your abs..i think standing ab pull downs and spread eagle sits are the best as well as low incline sits with a puase at the bottom