Helladrol First Timer (Do's/Don'ts)

Question about n2 guard and hc generate

Smart move man, gathering knowledge is the BEST thing you can do!

-Drink plenty of water (1 Gallon Minimum)
-Train with high intensity
-Take Helladrol doses 6-8 hours apart for even distribution on hormone
-Take N2-Guard on cycle to support for not only your liver but literally your ENTIRE body health! Including receptor health (Increased utilization of hormone) Joint Health and a ton of other benefits. (Used N2-Guard as my stand-alone with Epi and experience no joint discomfort or dryness what so ever)
-Eat a sufficient amount of calories and since your looking to bulk (I would aim for 3500-4000), keep carbs somewhat high with protein.
-Give each body part sufficient rest as well, depending on how hard you are training once every 5-7 days is adequate for most. (I need 8)
-Have a Post-Cycle ready BEFORE you start Helladrol, Depending on your budget you can run HCGenerate on cycle to prevent shutdown (meaning your body stops producing it's own testosterone) I recommend D-Aspartic Acid if your on a budget. Stuff works so great for how little it costs!

-Do not drink alcohol, it will place an unnecessary extra amount of stress on your liver that is trying to already absorb Helladrol. It's better to be safe if your in this for the long run!
-Do not think that just "upping the dosage" is going to give you better results because if anything it will shut you down faster and give you more side effects, Play around with a dosage that is "comfortable" and yields steady results. (which will also be depicted by training efforts and food intake)
-(Here's a mistake my co-worker made) Do not stop 2-3 weeks into a cycle and go cold turkey no PCT, you could experience estrogen rebound and possible gynecomastia or "Bitch tits" which you probably do not want. If your going to stop early still use a proper PCT to ensure your natural levels are returned to normal.
-Do not half ass your training going into PCT, even though you want to control rising cortisol levels with vitamin c in post cycle. Keep your training intensity up along with your food intake. If you don't you could experience a loss of your gains that you worked so hard to get!
-This is about the same as one mentioned but USE, DON'T ABUSE! One thing i found out while using a PH is that if you are not growing while on a Hormone/DS then your training intensity/Food intake or recovery is NOT adequate. I mean think about it, your putting your body in a higher state of anabolism meaning it should be "easier" to grow and get stronger. I used it as a "tool" to understand BETTER ways to train and when you have that you understand your body better, with that comes better results! I believe that is the difference between average results and AMAZING results.

You can do it man, just remember to stay consistent and driven, you will get what you want. :devil2:

... I am getting my order of helladrol in a couple days, do I take both the n2 guard and hc generate or or will I be fine with one or the other.
So regardless of whether I get HCGenerate or D-Aspartic Acid, do I start taking this post cycle as soon as I am done taking the Helladrol? As in about a month of Helladrol then a month of a post cycle?
So regardless of whether I get HCGenerate or D-Aspartic Acid, do I start taking this post cycle as soon as I am done taking the Helladrol? As in about a month of Helladrol then a month of a post cycle?

do a pct of Clomid and/or tamox for 4 weeks. RUI has it for research.
also i would rec not doing oral only cycles, add a test base. (read the stickys/threads stuck up top the aas section if you dont understand why)
funny you bump this up i just pulled out an old bottle of hella and beast today and am debating taking the SD while on my hrt dose of test, for 4 weeks.

whats your stats though... because its hard to give good advice without that..
do a pct of Clomid and/or tamox for 4 weeks. RUI has it for research.
also i would rec not doing oral only cycles, add a test base. (read the stickys/threads stuck up top the aas section if you dont understand why)
funny you bump this up i just pulled out an old bottle of hella and beast today and am debating taking the SD while on my hrt dose of test, for 4 weeks.

whats your stats though... because its hard to give good advice without that..

I just pulled out an old bottle of Hell too... I forgot how good this stuff was. I am using Two pills a day, one am one pm.
Okay so im planning on taking Helladrol with D-Aspartic Acid and "Cycle Support -************ On Cycle Protection Liver Assist ORIGINAL" I know that i should also be taking multivitamins and fish oil to help with the joints. im current 6'1 290 Im also wondering if there are any fat burners i should stack with this. I'm looking to burn some belly fat while still getting the gains from the pro hormone side of the Helladrol.
Taking that this is my thread from literally my first ever cycle, I'd recommend finding an anti-estrogen to stack onto this, and if you want I'd recommend taking Animal Pump minus the red pill (it's literally all I've used for the last 5 years). Get some liver support like milk thistle and dandelion root in there too, it's easy, cheap, and will take strain off your liver. I gained 30lbs in this 10 week span (PCT included), drink lots of water, take melatonin at night with a good rest, and if weight loss is obviously your plan you can run it at 75 straight through, more doesn't make a difference. Back then my diet was shit what it is compared to now, training too, if you got ahold of 3J on here, he couls seriously help you cut weight.

PS: 250mg of Test E or C every 6 days with adex, and I can guarantee you could easily lose almost 50-100lbs in a 12-16 week cut cycle. Not bad for $300ish.