helladrol is an excellent prohormone and def the right one for a beginner buddy, however to get the most from it id run it 6 weeks and add afew things to the cycle to ensure your protected and your recover is excellent. the 4 weeker and supp kit is ok but id seriously advise you to run it longer and better too get the most out of it you can, but still be as safe as possible. if going to spend all the time and cash you may aswell do it right. All the supps you have you can run but id save the Daa for pct.
id stack it up like this buddy:
1-6 helladrol 75/75/75/100/100/125
1-6 forged liver support
1-6 hcgenerate
1-10 need2slin (this is optional and up to you, helps with nutrition retention, not vital)
3-6 forma stanzol
7-10 clomid 25/25/25/25
7-10 unleashed/postcycle
7-10 daa powerchews or powder
7-10 forma stanzol
hope this helps buddy..