Hello need cycle advice please test prop/win/tren/var

But would they cause any problems at these doses? I heared my doses are like low so i wont notice any side effects thats why i was thinkinng abt it i dont want to see side effects i hate them but i dont mind the easy one like insomnia and sweats etc but the ED and teste shrinkage etc is scary :(

Taking even VERY small doses of these compounds COMPLETELY shuts down your hpta - high dose or low dose, it don't matter,, your brain (pituitary) is significantly altered, and recovering hpta function is not guaranteed,, and this is not dose dependent.

Maybe I read your first post wrong-- but 600 mg of test prop and 400 mg of tren is not a small dose..

Also-- the "small dose" idea of not getting sides is not true, , what happens with small doses is you can get all the bad sides and NONE of the benefits (because dose wasn't high enough to get you anabolic and to supra physiological levels of the hormone)
You look like anything from 19%-21% BF. You will not struggle too much to cut some of that fat. You can get to 15% easily in about two months with a decent diet and cardio 4 days a week. Run a test only cycle and read the stickie's for good info on how to run the test cycle and all of the things you will need. Those compounds are not necessary for a beginner and you don't lose bodyfat based on compounds but based on diet.