Help, 1st Test Enth conversion doesnt look right


New member
I followed these instructions carefully.

Testosterone Enanthate
These raw hormones are soluable in oil alone. They need no additional solvents, but for antimicrobial puposes BA (benzyl alcohol) is used.

I went for 40ml @ 300mg/ml conversion
Calculations: Grapseed Oil 30.2 ml
Powder 12 g
BA .8ml

Items Needed for a 12 gram conversion:
12 grams test enanthate
0.80ml benzyl alcohol (2% BA)
30.20ml oil
Syringes 3cc & 5cc or 10cc
20 gauge needles
Mixing vial (or preferably beaker)
Sterile vial
Sterile syringe filter
Weigh out 12 grams of hormone into mixing vial or beaker.
Add benzyl alcohol and 25.20cc of oil. (This will leave 5cc oil for later.)
Place in pan of semi-boiling water.
Swirl and heat until soultion is completely homogeneous and clear. NO hormone "swirls" or visible separation should be left.
Place 20g needle in sterile vial and attach syringe filter.
Place another needle through stopper to releave pressure
Draw out hormone solution with 5 or 10cc syringe and run it through the syringe filter until all solution is filtered.
Run the addition 5cc of saved oil from step 2 through syringe filter to purge.

1) I didnt want to over heat the test enth in the bath of water. I heated and swirled for atleast 5 min. There were no visible changes after the initial dissolving of the powder. It still remained very cloudy. Should I have heated it longer or at higher temps?
2) I have attached pictures for you to see and comment on. I noticed that in one of the stickies on a test enth conversion, that test is supposed to be a paste form at room temp. My powder looked nothing like the powder in that conversion. Could it be bad powder or the wrong hormone? I guess I should have did a melting point test before the conversion. I figured this guy is a pro and trusted what he sent me was the right thing.
3) Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I baked it in the oven on 250 for 15 min and the consistency is so thin it wont get sucked up by syringe and what does get sucked up comes poring back out. what went wrong? it sounds so easy. it acts like a water, not an oil based steroid.

Is it ruined?
Yeah I vented it. I was so worried that it was ruined, I forgot to pull the pin up out of the oil. Needless to say I had a little overflow. I really got off to a bad start. I was trying to draw it out into a 60 cc syringe to refilter everything and reheat. Maybe that was my problem. I did realize how hard it is to draw gear into a 60 cc syringe. I drew some other purchased gear to filter and heat because it has been giving me some serious problems. I was amazed at how hard it was to draw the gear into the 60 cc syringe. This stuff is so runny.

What should I do?
Does the powder look like it should?

There's a few questions i have, like PB mentioned above...

1) When you finished heating it, were there still little chunks of "stuff" floating around in that mixture? Because if it was completely dissolved, then those wouldn't have been there. Or, were all the things dissolved, and the mixture just looked cloudy?

2) Can you describe what the powder felt like when you opened it? Did it stick to the inside of the bag a little bit? Usually, after its been sitting at room temp, it will leave an opaque film on the inside of the baggie. Trust me, your powder guy isn't bunk... I know cause I've used him for enth before...

In the event that everything was melted, and the powder was sticking to the inside of the bag a little bit, my guess is that somewhere along the process you or the supplier introduced moisture into the powder. This is a very common occurance with TE. If moisture gets inside the powder, you end up with a cloudy final product... its still fine to use, but you can clear it up... if this is the problem, and you let the product sit for a few days, the water should float to the bottom and the oil will rise to the top... then you just have to suck off the top layer and filter that into your sterile vial... you'll lose a little bit when you get close to the water, but you should still be able to salvage 95%+ of it...

I think you maybe right w/ the moisture. The powder is kind of left sticking to the bag and when I pinch the powder it kind of clumps up. Yesterday was the first day I opened the powder. I didnt want to take a chance of ruining it until I was ready to cook. It was rapped in 2 zip locks and in a silver sealed pouch. Derek the powder was all disolved once I started the bath. It just stayed real cloudy. Its still real cloudy and real thin and runny. I am scared to inject that stuff in me. U know what I just came off from. I think I am going to bake it and let it cool and repeat a few time to see what happens. It just doesnt look like and oil.

Is there away to get the mositure out of the powder before I use again?
Your powder, almost looks like powder. I have had enanthate in the cold weather look like moist detergent before, but generally mine is amber and molten at room temp (warm climate).

If yours is VERY powdery, fine/grainy, I'd say you got cypionate somehow. My test prop is also very powdery (not super fine but, a powder as opposed to sticky or molten at room temp, without question).

Test enan for me suspends in a matter of seconds over a gas burner. Tren enanthate (similar to test cypionate) on the other hand is far more stubborn, taking a lot of stirring and heat application by comparison.
al the test enan i have ever dealt with has either been gooey or in chunks at lower temps. never powder.

mudge may have hit the nail on the head on dis one.
Hey PB,

I'm gonna have to disagree with you a bit on this one... and that'll be a first for me cause you know more than the damn Merck Handbook... LOL!!! I have actually received enth in powder form... maybe its just cause it was winter up here when we received it and it gets cold as hell up here... having said that, if he only used 2-3%BA and no BB, then if he actually received Cypionate, it likely would have crashed into a solid gel, and not stay liquidy. I know you've gotten cyp to hold before with no solvents, but wasn't that at 200mg/ml, or 250mg/ml? I'm sure it wouldn't hold at 300mg/ml, which leads me to believe its not cyp. Same deal with propionate... it's not going to stay in liquid form without a co-solvent. I did one batch of enth back a while ago and it turned out very cloudy.. I let it sit for a week and the damn shit STILL wouldn't separate (oil and water don't mix in a non-surfactant environment). The only thing we've started doing differently was this:
- before when we made the cloudy solution and it wouldn't separate, we filtered the solution even though it was cloudy.
- the next time it went cloudy we waited until it separated then sucked off the oil from the water and filtered that... came out totally clear.

I'm not sure the filtering had something to do with it, but was the only thing which was different. Powder was from same source, but likely from another batch.

How long has the mixture been sitting bro? Has it started to separate yet? PB is right though, as long as you filter the gear, even though its cloudy you can easily still use it without worry. Heck, sometimes homebrew tren is very cloudy too...

Shit... I just thought of something... lets just say that this is the result of moisture in the gear... since condensation is H2O, and the gear is oil-based, would a few drops of surfactant clear that up? Maybe 0.2ml PS80/10ml cloudy gear? I can't wait to try that... now I wanna fuck something up... um, wait... do I????? hahahahaha

Thanks for all the feed back guys. I am just a little freaked out about using it. I just had a bacterial infection from some purchased gear and I am trying to get my immune system back in check and just run some test for a couple months at 300 to 400mg/week until I am back in good health.

Derek it has not seperated yet it been a couple of days. I have baked it and let it cool about 3 time. When I am baking it it seems to be crystal clear. There are little tiny bubbles at the bottom, but it looks perfect. When it cools it goes back cloudy.

What is surfactant? Where can I get it? I will give it a shot and see what happens. If you guys think it will work.
Sounds like condensation... that's what those little bubbles are at the bottom. Surfactant is something that allows water and oil to mix... like Polysorbate 80. A lot of kit sites have these... don't know the rules here that well, so don't want to post links to sites, but if someone else could i'm sure PSU would appreciate it!
