HELP, aborting Test cyp cycle after 6 weeks. PCT???


I started my first cycle 6 weeks ago running test cypionate only. For first 4 weeks I shot 250 mgs/weeks and upped to 500 mgs/ week these past 2 weeks. I broke my hand and won't be able to work out for at least a month or so. I have liquid arimidex but havent had the need for it yet. I was originally going to run my PCT with clomid alone. Should I still run the clomid after this brief cycle gone wrong? If so how long after my last pin, how many mgs per day and how long duration of pct? Also should I consider a natural test booster like d aspartic acid? I can't get my hands on any HCG, suggestions please. Also I'm 23 years old, 5'10, about 170lbs, body fat not sure but I'm very lean, have been told I'm shredded so I'm guessing less than 5%. Been training on and off but pretty consistently since age 16.
Actually, I just took my last pin from my vial 3 days ago, my cast stays on for 3 more weeks then I have 2 10ml vials of sustanon 300 I'm planning on starting the last week I have wearing this cast. It seems pointless to run the clomid, I'd rather save it because in 2 and a half weeks sure my body will be running low on the test but that first shot of 600mgs will bring me right back to the top. Should I keep taking my arimidex tho?
No test boosters in post cycle therapy (pct). They boost natural teat which you don't have and in most cases will boost estrogen as well causing more complucations. Why are you gonna run Sustanon (sust) now when you have a cast on.
No test boosters in post cycle therapy (pct). They boost natural teat which you don't have and in most cases will boost estrogen as well causing more complucations. Why are you gonna run Sustanon (sust) now when you have a cast on.

Really I didn't know that? I use test boosters when I come off to get testosterone production back to normal as quick as possible so I don't lose gains. I usually keep using low dose arimidex throughout my post cycle therapy (pct) to keep any elevated estrogen in check.
I boost test too during my post cycle therapy (pct) never bothered me much I can see what your sayin tho.
i have my cast on right now, took last pin of cyp a week ago, cast comes off in three more weeks. gonna start my first pin of Sustanon (sust) two weeks from now, two cc's a week, 600mg. should i take that once a week? or split into two, or eod? have been researching threads about Sustanon (sust) inject frequency and have gotten mixed opinions? seems like a majority of people claim eod but for some reason a larger amount inject once a week seems to make more sense to me. the way the four esters in the blend are set up it should all release in order throughout the week.
Test boosters have there place in PCT....believe me...they help with libido and once you start to recover they are and added benefit.
your turning your nuts back on just to immediately shut them down, thats a roller coaster ride for your hpta

as a matter of fact thats not even enough time to return your testes to normal function and then you inject Sustanon (sust) , have you researched pct ?

guys will tell you too wait a few months , plus can you even work out hard with hand in recovery ?

but if you wont listen to that and feel you must run Sustanon (sust) why not just run cyp ( ts only 2 weeks were talking about ? ) for two more weeks at a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dosage of 200 or 250 a week
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you can run Sustanon (sust) 1x per week how did you break hand? did u hit something on a roid rage?

i have my cast on right now, took last pin of cyp a week ago, cast comes off in three more weeks. gonna start my first pin of Sustanon (sust) two weeks from now, two cc's a week, 600mg. should i take that once a week? or split into two, or eod? have been researching threads about Sustanon (sust) inject frequency and have gotten mixed opinions? seems like a majority of people claim eod but for some reason a larger amount inject once a week seems to make more sense to me. the way the four esters in the blend are set up it should all release in order throughout the week.
Yea I punched wall in a rage. My hand will be good to go When cast comes off. I have researched pct and your right that's why I'm starting the Sustanon (sust) a week before my cast comes off. I don't have anymore cyp, just sust. I'm doing 10 week cycle at 600mgs per week. Was just wondering how many times I should jab that throughout the week. Everyone claims the test prop in it will be wasted if you jab once a week but I don't see the logic, if your body cleaves that prop in the first couple days then the other 3 esters should follow behind the remainder of the week. Jabbing eod just to keep the levels of the prop stable throughout the week makes sense but then it would take even longer for the slower esters to build up and release. I have read two entirely different articles that talk about that same theory and how one jab a week of your specific Sustanon (sust) dosage Has been proven over eod.
Yea I punched wall in a rage. My hand will be good to go When cast comes off. I have researched post cycle therapy (pct) and your right that's why I'm starting the Sustanon (sust) a week before my cast comes off. I don't have anymore cyp, just sust. I'm doing 10 week cycle at 600mgs per week. Was just wondering how many times I should jab that throughout the week. Everyone claims the test prop in it will be wasted if you jab once a week but I don't see the logic, if your body cleaves that prop in the first couple days then the other 3 esters should follow behind the remainder of the week. Jabbing eod just to keep the levels of the prop stable throughout the week makes sense but then it would take even longer for the slower esters to build up and release. I have read two entirely different articles that talk about that same theory and how one jab a week of your specific Sustanon (sust) dosage Has been proven over eod.

I would jab the Sustanon (sust) E2D
Test boosters have there place in PCT....believe me...they help with libido and once you start to recover they are and added benefit.
Yes I agree maybe towards the end of pct but surely not the begining. When starting pct most guys start to soon anyway. If gear is dosed correctly two weeks after your last pin your test will not be low enough to even start coming back. Most guys won't have trouble running a booster but if you have elevated e levels already will just make the spike of e harder to block with serms. I've read tons of articles about this matter in some cases not all will cause a boost in e from the booster. Like I said some guys are really e sensitive some aren't. I for one do not use it because I feel it does nothing but waste Monet. Now after pct when you start to be fully recovered is a different story. When running a 19 nor some guys can have trouble fully recovering and this can be for months. The point of pct is to block the spike of e from you dropping test levels and when this happens e will rise. Some say run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I for one always run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) in pct cause serms like nolva and clomid don't lower e in the blood. I don't run nolva anyway for it lowers igf levels in pct which is a no no so I run clomid and Aromasin.
No test boosters in pct. They boost natural teat which you don't have and in most cases will boost estrogen as well causing more complucations.

shit, good to know. But theyre marketed as being able to lower estorgen levels also. is that even partially true or all marketing hype?