Help/advice wanted post injection site not red but pink after 4 full days

Texas pc

New member
Hello. I am running my first cycle and I'm using test enan and test ace. I had 2 prior injections (one in right quad one in left glute) before I took the following one in the right glute. I used 22 gauge 1" for the previous 2 and on the 3rd. My right glute has been swollen since and redness has grown. It is light pink tho and seems to be moving to the outside of my glute. It doesn't itch and the pain is subsiding, but the red patch ( a little splotchy but more like 2 pink circles seems to be growing. It feels a little warmer to the touch than the other, but not much. Haven't felt sick or anything, but it has been 4 days since and it's still swollen and pink.....***128546;
Hello. I am running my first cycle and I'm using test enan and test ace. I had 2 prior injections (one in right quad one in left glute) before I took the following one in the right glute. I used 22 gauge 1" for the previous 2 and on the 3rd. My right glute has been swollen since and redness has grown. It is light pink tho and seems to be moving to the outside of my glute. It doesn't itch and the pain is subsiding, but the red patch ( a little splotchy but more like 2 pink circles seems to be growing. It feels a little warmer to the touch than the other, but not much. Haven't felt sick or anything, but it has been 4 days since and it's still swollen and pink.....***128546;

Please help anyone!!!!???
22 gauge? thats still a pretty stout pin size. I think you will be alright as long as the area doesnt get hot and you dont run a fever. Ive had a few bad pins that were tight and sore for days..all part of it. You will live, get some smaller gauge pins
So as far as the pinkness around it that is normal? I searched online everywhere and cant find my exact situation. It is a warm area, but not "hot". Sorry just need some re assurance
The light reddish pink area on my outer glute is probably 3" wide by 5" long. Again not really red but more of a pink.
UPDATE: day 5: to any one who found this thread through like symptoms, seems as though you can rest easy. Pain greatly subsides on 5th day, still a little swollen on the glute ( can however finally see glute invention ) and pinkness has gotten even dimmer. Still no fever. Will keep posting updates until it is either gone or gets worse!
UPDATE: day 5: to any one who found this thread through like symptoms, seems as though you can rest easy. Pain greatly subsides on 5th day, still a little swollen on the glute ( can however finally see glute invention ) and pinkness has gotten even dimmer. Still no fever. Will keep posting updates until it is either gone or gets worse!

Welcome :wavey:
Please give us your stats. What do you mean you are running Test Ace ? do you mean Tren ? please give us your complete cycle protocol. Are you running an AI. It would be easier on yourself if you use a 23G 1" for oil and 25G 5/8" for water base.
22, 5" 10 160 pounds. The bottle says " testosterone acetate" which I know is confusing because I looked it up everywhere wasn't sure if it's tren or just another form of test. I'm running cyclodex which is an otc ai. Don't have access to nolva like I need. Couple of friends I know ran the same cycle with great results just a little water retention.
Update on day 6: my fears are gone. I must have not got deep enough with the 1" pin and had the oil in my sub q. No pinkness anymore. Slight pain. Ready to roll.
I think the sore glute may be the least of your worries . couple of things.

- your running test E and test Ace, on your first cycle , do you know how many MG of each your even running? why are you running test ace? That needs to be used as either a front load or a stand alone (no point in combining it with test E), also it needs injected every other day. Why would you not just run Test E and inject 1-2 times a week and be done with it.

- also, your running 'cyclodex' as your AI !? wtf. anything you can buy at 'bodybuilding dot com' is not an AI, its just some herbs and minerals lol.. you NEED a real AI, and you said you don't have access to Nolvadex as your AI ,, well wtf, nolvadex is going to be needed for your PCT ,, you still need a real AI like arimidex (and yes you still need nolvadex too for pct). 'you don't have access' to these things, why not. don't bother running a cycle if you can't get the ancillaries you need to run a proper cycle (fyi - you can buy this stuff one click away from the red lion banner .. geessh, you did not try very hard did you)

- you should be running HCG the duration of your cycle if you want a better chance of recovering post cycle . you have no mention of pct nor hcg ,, and at 22 years old your natural testosterone levels are already high,, but, you are not shut down and you may NEVER fully recover those natural levels again. you may end up losing any of the gains you get from this cycle, and then end up worse off in the long run because you F'd your hpta and endocrine system that is still not fully developed until about age 25 . Bad decision, you'll have to live with it now.

- 5'10" at 160 pounds .. you should really dial in your training and diet before messing with gear. those are obviously not dialed in. you need to eat more and train better. being diet and training are not dialed in, this cycle will not do anything for you in the long run . you'll get bloated and puffy for a couple months and 'feel big', but its all water and after your cycle you'll have no testosterone in your body and you'll shrivel up

you should of done a LOT more research before deciding to just start injecting stuff in your body bro! again , your sore ass is the least of your worries
Well shit! Why don't u pm me and give me directions on how to get this stuff?? Should I drop the acetate or enanthate? 300 mg acetate per week and 600 mg of enanthate! I'm only in 1 week! Got me all shook up!
And yes I know I'm not to educated on the matter, but I know acetate needs it about every other day which is what I have been doing. 100mg 3 times a week
Well shit! Why don't u pm me and give me directions on how to get this stuff?? Should I drop the acetate or enanthate? 300 mg acetate per week and 600 mg of enanthate! I'm only in 1 week! Got me all shook up!

damn, 900 mg of test a week for your first cycle ! and no AI .. man, your on the fast track to man boobs, hypertension, and limp noodle.

couple of things you can do . The first thing may be the best thing.

- Stop what your doing right now, hang on to your gear for next time .. hang around on these boards, read up, and do more research and learn so that when you go to run a cycle again you'll know EXACTLY what your doing. your only one week in, so your body may have a chance to recover natty levels back (if not then a run of clomid will help).

- drop the test ace and save it for later when you become more advanced and then use it for a front load .. besides, you need to pin that stuff EOD, and thats not something you want to do as a rookie. just stick with 500 mg of test E per week. click on the RUI banner up above and get yourself some arimidex in liquid form (liquidex). you'll need to run that at .25mg eod as a good starting point. Also, you need to have a stout PCT put together , nolva and clomid . and again, hcg ran on cycle at 500iu a week to keep your 'balls' and brain communicating so that when you come off they can 'restart' again..

lots to this, thats why option one is probably best for now so you can take the time and do shit right . you only have ONE body and one endocrine system for the rest of your life , don't fuk it up to put on a measly 10 pounds at only 22 years old.
Well shit! Why don't u pm me and give me directions on how to get this stuff?? Should I drop the acetate or enanthate? 300 mg acetate per week and 600 mg of enanthate! I'm only in 1 week! Got me all shook up!

Well shit ? WTF man I hope you didn't mean any disrespect to Roush. Let me tell you I would have said the EXACT same thing to you but Roush beat me to the punch.

OP if we just tell you what to do and hold your hand how will you know what you are doing at all. Anyone could tell you anything and you would do it. Listen first you needed to wait a few years and there is plenty of documentation to support that. But lets get past that............

:Pat: you have not done any research that I can see by all you don't know. That crap you plan to us as an AI won't do shit and then your Estrogen will sore up. You need to know why to use an AI and what high and low estrogen sides do to you and your cycle. Look at the banner and you will see where to buy ancillaries legally.

As Roush said this Test E with Test ace is a waste. Furthermore on your first cycle all you need is Test E.

Go back to where you came in to post and read ALL the sticky posts. They are labeled as such. Learn about Estrogen and Prolactin and more. Then come back with some pertinent Q's.
This may sound crazy, but could u pm me ur phone number? Damn this shit sucks...

Drop the Test ace and start reading. No one is going to give you their phone number. See you don't even understand why people don't do that.

Others will chime in so stay with us. We really do want to help. That's what we do ! Roush and other vets are experienced and have the book knowledge to back what they say. I've been around since the 80's so you are in good hands here with the vets. Good Luck :wavey:

PS: thanks for posting your stats ! I'm headed out the door and will be back later, stick with these guys,
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No, no disrespect intended. Just scared. I knew it was a big deal I just listened to my stupid friend. I see no banner that may be because I'm on my cell phone. I know this isn't your guys problem I truly do, but if there is any way u can "hold my hand" I would be extremely thankful...
Thank both of you for replying and having concern. I thought maybe texting would be quicker, but I guess I just need to chill out. So drop the ace and continue running enanthate... Would one of u send me the link of the banner? And it might be ok if I get next day shipping and continue running just the one once I have the proper gear? I'm actually about 1 1/2 weeks in.