I think the sore glute may be the least of your worries . couple of things.
- your running test E and test Ace, on your first cycle , do you know how many MG of each your even running? why are you running test ace? That needs to be used as either a front load or a stand alone (no point in combining it with test E), also it needs injected every other day. Why would you not just run Test E and inject 1-2 times a week and be done with it.
- also, your running 'cyclodex' as your AI !? wtf. anything you can buy at 'bodybuilding dot com' is not an AI, its just some herbs and minerals lol.. you NEED a real AI, and you said you don't have access to Nolvadex as your AI ,, well wtf, nolvadex is going to be needed for your PCT ,, you still need a real AI like arimidex (and yes you still need nolvadex too for pct). 'you don't have access' to these things, why not. don't bother running a cycle if you can't get the ancillaries you need to run a proper cycle (fyi - you can buy this stuff one click away from the red lion banner .. geessh, you did not try very hard did you)
- you should be running HCG the duration of your cycle if you want a better chance of recovering post cycle . you have no mention of pct nor hcg ,, and at 22 years old your natural testosterone levels are already high,, but, you are not shut down and you may NEVER fully recover those natural levels again. you may end up losing any of the gains you get from this cycle, and then end up worse off in the long run because you F'd your hpta and endocrine system that is still not fully developed until about age 25 . Bad decision, you'll have to live with it now.
- 5'10" at 160 pounds .. you should really dial in your training and diet before messing with gear. those are obviously not dialed in. you need to eat more and train better. being diet and training are not dialed in, this cycle will not do anything for you in the long run . you'll get bloated and puffy for a couple months and 'feel big', but its all water and after your cycle you'll have no testosterone in your body and you'll shrivel up
you should of done a LOT more research before deciding to just start injecting stuff in your body bro! again , your sore ass is the least of your worries