Help beating a drug test in professional sport


New member
Hey everyone,

As the title says I need some serious help and advice to beat a drug test in a professional sport.

Long story short I wasn’t planning on competing this year so started a cycle with Trenbolone Acetate (100 mg. EOD) and Boldenone Undecylenate / Equipoise (200 mg. 2x a week).
I ran that cycle for 6 weeks exactly and then all of the sudden got a chance to compete in this coming season. I stopped taking Tren and EQ immediately and switched to Testosterone Propionate instead.
Unfortunately throughout those 6 weeks I injected 2,100 mg. Trenbolone Acetate and 2,400 mg. EQ.

My question is the following. I have a drug test coming up exactly 5 months and 2 weeks (24 weeks in total or 168 days to be accurate) after the last injection of Trenbolone and EQ.

Will I pass or fail this test?

The test is performed at one of the gold-standard laboratories accredited by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), as their website says.

Personally I’ve lost about 7 lbs. since last injection of EQ and Tren, I don’t know my exact ********* rest ratio but would say it’s about average and I do cardio (sweating) at least 1-2 times a day.

What are my options? I’m a full time athlete and can’t risk a positive test then I rather fake an injury.

Hope you guys are able to help!
I have not done a bunch of research, but my quick Google search turned up that tren and EQ both have 5 month detection times.
Thanks guys!

Megatron28, I've obviusly also googles this a lot, but one thing is what old not updated posts on the internet says and another thins is a up to date WADA drug test. Thanks though.
There was a product you the market call "steroid cleanse " it worked. My staff were the test subjects in 2005. Lab Corp refuse to release the final results without a court order because they thought they had some how screwed with the tests.