help/critique my possible cycle


New member
I also posted this in the "My steriod cycle" forum but this seems like a more active area so sorry for double posting.

I'm 24 170 about 17-20% bf looking to make real lean gains, and cut on this cycle.

weeks 1-6 500mg test E a week
weeks 7-12 500mg test E plus up to 50mg of Winstrol (winny) ED

I'm not really sure if the winstrol is worth putting in, taking 5 10mg orally a day sounds quite harsh on the liver. You can substitute this for something else in your critique.

for my pct I was just going to use clomid at 50mg a day for four weeks

and I'll have arimidex on hand in case of signs of gyno.

all responses are appreciated.
around 5'8 and working out on and off for about 3 or 4 years now, I workout about 5 days a week. Yes this would be my first cycle which is why I was only running test until the last six weeks and would like to only stick to two compounds.
Not a strict planned out diet, but am going to change that while on cycle, but rule of thumb for me is low carbs, high protein, and lots of green.
I would check out 3J in the diet section. No offense but with your stats something is probably off with your diet. Remember that diet is the biggest factor in your progress whether trying to gain muscle or burn fat. Otherwise, I say drop the Winstrol (winny) and just run the test with adex on hand and clomid 50/50/50/50 two weeks after last inject is fine for PCT.
I would check out 3J in the diet section. No offense but with your stats something is probably off with your diet. Remember that diet is the biggest factor in your progress whether trying to gain muscle or burn fat. Otherwise, I say drop the Winstrol (winny) and just run the test with adex on hand and clomid 50/50/50/50 two weeks after last inject is fine for PCT.

Thanks for your input, any other thoughts out there? And as I said I don't have a strict diet but do watch what I eat.
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I know many say not to use two compounds on your first cycle but, I'd like to throw in something that doesn't aromatize as heavily towards the end of the cycle to cut some of the water weight down, I originally was thinking winnie but many people bash it, why? Anybody recommend anything else?
If you want to watch the water retention without adding another compound just run adex .5 ed. This has worked well for me on my tren cycle but that could just be the tren helping with the water retention.
If you want to watch the water retention without adding another compound just run adex .5 ed. This has worked well for me on my tren cycle but that could just be the tren helping with the water retention.

This will solve the water issue.

Keep things simple on your first cycle. You will gain a great deal regardless! save the extras for subsequent runs where you actually need more to keep gaining.
I'm not opposed to running more than one compound at a time, but would adex still be my best bet. I forgot to mention i've done pro's before and hated the "wet mass bloated feeling" all during cycle if you know what I'm talking about. All I'm looking for is lean gains and to firm up a little while cutting bf%
I'm not opposed to running more than one compound at a time, but would adex still be my best bet. I forgot to mention i've done pro's before and hated the "wet mass bloated feeling" all during cycle if you know what I'm talking about. All I'm looking for is lean gains and to firm up a little while cutting bf%
Drop the Win., up your water intake to combat the bloating. You can get cut using Test.