Help for 62 year old underweight man


New member
I have a friend who is 62. He used to be pretty active, lifting/martial arts etc. For the last few years he has went TO SHIT.He went from walking around at 158-160's to 128 lbs-- Hardly goes anywhere--makes LITTLE money etc. Last summer I bought him a gym membership, and after MONTHS of repeating/talking til im blue in the face--got him to do a 10 week cycle of sustanon 250.(1 c per week) I paid for all of this. I would have wanted to go with test E, but because i was worried he would balk at the needle, i opted for the sus since it had prop--and maybe he would feel better faster. I got him up to 143lbs--like pushing a rock uphill on your knees (Altered my workout to coach him, calling him everyday to make sure he ate enough)

Since last summer I said "Fuck it--Ive done everything i can do". This week he called me wanting some gear and i met up with him. He says he has maintained at 140 lbs---but looks like a starving cat. His fucking balance is off---just fucked up. Im not going through all of the bullshit again, but I do feel sorry for him. He has some weights and is supposedly doing some of the stuff I showed him, but he needs weight, water weight, gravy weight--what the fuck ever put on.

As i said, Im not going to the length of moving him in with me to oversee his daily routine. I got him (30) 50 mg dbol tabs, and he is planning on taking 25mg/day for 8 weeks, followed with clomid. I have researched the internet, researched the forums, and i have PREACHED SERMONS on not doing oral only--but its just not gonna happen.

Given the info Ive given for this guy, is the dbol only that bad? I mean, if you dont keep a lot of what you gain, its more than he had--right? Any other suggestions on what he could take?

He buys protein powder, he blows $ for junk at GNC ( Ive often thought it would be fkn funny to buy something from there, dump it out, fill it back up w/drol and give it to him) so I think dbol might be as good as it gets.
A full hormone panel first would be best to complete before anything else.

Throwing steroids at him doesn't do him anything good, and neither of you are going to get any smarter from that. Especially dianabol only, it will probably make things worse once he is done.
Ram first off while it was a nice gesture unless you are a doctor at 62 yrs of age this man needed to have a full physical and have a doctor supervised testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) regiment. You are getting yourself way over your head trying to not only "help" but supply this guy with a substance at an age that he really needs to have a doctor to kake sure he is doing alright internally.

With that said its now water under the bridge. Get this guy to a doctor and have him run a full panel like mentioned above. Also have his mental health looked over. Why because men specially in their 60s with low T depression tends to be a problem. Which just from your post seems a possibility.

Now make sure his diet is on line and also know this. Theres a point where u have to know when to say when. Also an only oral cycle in your 60s is not the smartest thing hell an all oral cycle in your 20s is not a smart move either. I personally think you need to dial back what your doing for tgis guy but your a grown man also and your going to do wgat your going to do. But k ow this YOU and only YOU are respo sible at this moment in time what happens physically to tgis guy.

Think about it before going any further.
What if I got him a full bloodwork panel through a labcorp ? I understand completely what both Old&stacked, and sworder are saying. This almost brings up an entirely different topic/post, and that is how crooked the medical system is. If you dont have insurance you are going to be neglected at best . I am sure he was/may still be depressed, but during the sustanon cycle the routine of going to the gym (not to mention feeling better from the test alone ) helped his outlook and spirit. This is one of the things I find appealing about gear--it can be a great equalizer. They know that this cream and gel isnt absorbed efficiently at all, yet its cost soars above any vial ive ever seen. I just saw a commercial for some new stuff you put in deodarant or under your arms--and DAMN--listen to the mile long list of horrible side effects---they make drol seem like rolaids!

just trying to make the best of the situation--but thanks for the input. I may try to arrange the panel and go from there.
Is this "friend" your dad? If not you are one amazing friend. Will you be my friend? I wouldn't mind a free cycle ;). Jk
First of all he needs to go see a that age and being malnourished he could have some serious health problems. You wouldent want to be responsible if something happened to him now would you?
The guy is just an old friend--A good guy, very humble...

Hes not 128 lbs now--hes not fucked to the point that looking at him you think "Awww myyy GAWD this guy needs to see a doctor"..

I need to get him weighed at the gym. Hes always been "cheap" so things like the first cycle, as well as blood work or doctor visits are just not likely if he is footing the bill.

As far as "something happening", its one of those things where your rep in the gym grows with whispers of "Man that guys workouts are KILLER HARD"

Gonna advise to hold off on the D, or cut back the dose and duration if he is hell bent.

Rick James said it wouldnt hurt him at all.