Help identifying and treating a possible injury


New member
The basics:

I'm on MI40 as my training and diet program. I work 7 days a week. Tough schedule, but I've been able to do it for almost a year now. Beginning of May my mother-in-law died. Not a shocker, I think it's hitting me a bit slow, the relationship wasn't great, not sure if it's playing a role in this on a mental level.

Today, my left shoulder and bicep aren't recovered. Shoulders (Along with triceps) was 2 days ago. Biceps (Along with chest) was almost 4 days ago. Usually I've recovered by now. It seems I haven't and I can't figure out why. My legs are also sorer than they normally would be after leg day (Quads and calves) and I blast my legs (HIIT the night before).

I went to the chiropractor. He said my RIGHT bicep felt tight...but for me it was my left bicep. This of course all sucks since I'm suppose to be in the gym tomorrow for chest/biceps.

Added info:

I'm on a small cocktail of meds for anxiety (Stuff I'm currently trying to get rid of). Once I popped a few of those (Almost bed time), the pain started to go away. Would this mean it has more to do with nerves and less with muscle. I didn't take a painkiller.

As far as my diet, there was a big change this week in me dropping more of my calories and carbs. Yesterday, while I normally take 50 grams carbs mid-workout, I didn't. Not sure if that 1 missed carb drink would cause things to go all funky with my legs and further hinder whatever is happening to my left arm. Rotator cuff issues were a problem before but not anymore. Chiropractor says 'ice it'.

Any thoughts?