Help! Lets get huge! Bulking diet extreme


New member
Hey all i just registered on this board but was a long time reader and researcher.I am starting a bulking phase for the whole year till 2012.Im 22 never ran a cycle sitting at 245-260.I do hold stomach fat but im not gonna lie im pretty damn muscular. was bulking up for last 7 months but put on quit a bit of fat in the process.Im starting a new lean bulk and im very serious because knowing my body since working out since 16 i think i have a chance at getting to a big level at this sport.I just want my diet down pat then move on to cycling by 2012.ALL YOUR HELP WILL be appreciated.LETS GET MOTHERUCKING HUGE!!!!!

Meal 1-----B12 Shot 1000mcg/ 2 fish oil /Multi-Vitamin/ B-Complex/ 1000mg Vitamin c/
2 cups egg whites 2 whole eggs
2 Ezekiel bread (fruit salad)

Pre Weight And Cardio workout
10g Monohydrate salt (energy drink, tea, coffee…(sugar free)

Post Weights Pre Cardio Shake
4 scoops BCAAS 10g Monohydrate salt

Meal 2 PWO-----2 fish oil /Multi-Vitamin/ B-Complex/ 1000mg Vitamin c/
12 oz cooked (chicken turkey seafood fish )
cup brown rice (uncooked) seasonings butter 2 cups min. (bunched) spinach

Meal 3----- 2 fish oil/1000mg Vitamin c/
12 oz cooked(chicken turkey seafood fish red meat)
2 sweet potatoes
veggies with dip

Meal 4-----2 fish oil/1000mg Vitamin c/
12 oz cooked(chicken turkey seafood fish )
2 sweet potatoes
veggies with dip

Meal 5 Pre Bed-----2 fish oil/1000mg Vitamin c/
7 whole eggs
¼ cup almonds and ¼ cup walnuts
veggies with dip

*DRINK 2 Gallons Water a day
Your going to want some sort of casein protein before bed. How about lean red meat?

BTW: Without macros and BMR/TDEE its hard to say much about your bulk
u bumped a 4 month old thread bro...

u need help with something?? post up a new thread..
yeah i do that....just to see if the OP is still around....I do need to get with you on some diet stuff....when I get a minute Ill post up my pathetic diet