HELP lump after test e injection!!!


New member
Hey guys

I did a 1cc 250ml injection of test e in my delt. Used 25gauge 1 inch. Everything went smooth no pain no blood kept everything sterile. 2 days after my injection I noticed a lump at the bottom of my delt. 2 inches away from my injection spot. little red and it was hard to touch. Do feel a little pain when pressed on but not really when I move my arm around
this is my first cycle (4 pokes in)and my gear is trusted
I haven't gotten a fever or anything either from it

How do I reduce it? How do I know if it's infected or not?
If it's not red or warm your going to be fine may take a little yo clear up. Quit pushing on it your just irritating the area.

Sounds like you may not have gotten all the oil into the muscle and some is subq. You'll be fine just keep an eye on it and don't push on it.
You probably didn't bury the needle all the way into your muscle. Don't rub/massage/apply ice/heat /touch it. If the swelling doesn't go down in two weeks, go see a doctor for that nasty B12 shot.

Take your time when injecting. I know that the first couple times it's daunting, but you'll get used to it. Make sure you cannot see any needle, especially with a 1", otherwise you're likely putting some oil in your subcutaneous layer.

Infections will usually become very bright and shiny, often with spiderweb like veins near the site. A fever may be present, but not always.

Welcome to ology. :)