Hey guys
I did a 1cc 250ml injection of test e in my delt. Used 25gauge 1 inch. Everything went smooth no pain no blood kept everything sterile. 2 days after my injection I noticed a lump at the bottom of my delt. 2 inches away from my injection spot. little red and it was hard to touch. Do feel a little pain when pressed on but not really when I move my arm around
this is my first cycle (4 pokes in)and my gear is trusted
I haven't gotten a fever or anything either from it
How do I reduce it? How do I know if it's infected or not?
I did a 1cc 250ml injection of test e in my delt. Used 25gauge 1 inch. Everything went smooth no pain no blood kept everything sterile. 2 days after my injection I noticed a lump at the bottom of my delt. 2 inches away from my injection spot. little red and it was hard to touch. Do feel a little pain when pressed on but not really when I move my arm around
this is my first cycle (4 pokes in)and my gear is trusted
I haven't gotten a fever or anything either from it
How do I reduce it? How do I know if it's infected or not?