HELP!! major trouble sleeping while on pct


New member
Hi I've just finished a 14wk course of test (sus 250 5wks then switched to cyp due to bad pip) , my gains in strength and size and my body fat% drop was amazing but...... I'm now 6 weeks after last jab and 3 and half weeks into PCT. Which consists of 100/75/50/50 Clomid , 40/30/20/20 nolvadex alongside zma bcaas, longjack, tribbulus and other normal supps. sex drive and everything is fine and thought I was recovering well :/. The duration of my sleep this past week has been no longer than 4-5 hrs a night , I'm feeling massively fatigued and drained , I've skipped the gym and had to take time off work to try recover , my diet is also slipping and meal sizes reducing because I just haven't got the energy to eat properly , yet I'm wide awake when I try to sleep and wide awake when I awake.
I have been taking my Clomid 1hr before bed because as it does to many it fucks with my eyes so I try sleep through it , but I've been doing that since first few days of pct and had no problems up until past few days, so I don't know. I'm really at a loose end here my physical and mental state is suffering badly through this and please any advice would be more than appreciated as next step is doc's for meds. Thanks
Well no body replied and advised anything so I turned to chemicals and did some experimenting ,all is now good and I'm getting a steady 7+ hrs sleep a night although the first night I took two 5ml valium , woke up 3 hrs later at 3'o'clock and took an amitriptyline that I acquired off a friend. I thought I'd post my findings and hopefully help anyone suffering the same problems as I found this to be such a debilitating ,mental and physical state dependant issue for anybody in training.
After a bit of research I found tamoxifen studies show that 9% of those who take it suffer insomnia, I happened to be so unlucky to fall into this, so I have dropped it from my pct. I'm also doing evening cardio and supplementing with 5htp and zma 1hr before bed and I'm sleeping soundly , with 1 or 2 normal toilet awakenings. Hope this helps someone suffering with sleeplessness as for me it was torture!!!
Glad you're sleeping well at this point...I would have recommended you lower the clomid dose...seemed a bit high to me and could have just as easily been causing your issues. In the future, I dont think the Amitriptyline is a great idea to take as needed in conjuction with Nolva. If I remember correctly, there is a cardiac interaction between the two. Amitrip has a pretty profound effect on heart rate with it's noradrenergic effects. Also, TCA's or any AD's arent really recommended as needed...Mixed signals to brain chemicals...Glad the 5HTP and ZMA are helpful though!