Help Me Convert My EQ Base Please


New member

I have 6 grams of EQ Base and would like to make a product that has a concentration of 100mg/mL. I tried looking for Test Suspension instructions or other Base roid intructions to try and compare the 2, but cannot find them. If anyone can help me find out how much oil, ba, and bb I need to convert this it would be much MUCH appreciated!!!!

some NEs go with 5% ba and 15% bb. 6g of powder will make 60ml final solution @ 100mg/ml. so..... thats 3ml of ba, 9 ml of bb and about 42ml or so of oil. may want to make it 44ml cause you will have a little waste. I have never made boldenone base so i cant swear that the recipe listed will work but i have seen it posted that it worked for others.