Help me design a cycle with what I have on hand


New member
Hey fellas,

Due to a recent change of circumstance in supply, looks like I won't be able to get anything new. I would like to start a cycle ASAP though since I finished my last 12-weeker in early Feb. Here's the 10 ml vials I have:

2 x Sust 350
1 x Test-E 250
1 x Mast 200
1 x Deca 250

Also have a couple of hundred Winni 10 mg tabs, but that shit really took its toll on my joints last time I tried it. This would be a 7th cycle, but I realize it won't be the most potent. Also have a-dex and clomid/nolva on-hand, so that's in order.

The main thing I'm wondering about is mast or deca (or both?), or if it's waste to take either since a typical dose of Deca is higher than I'd be able to do with a single vial. I definitely am craving those joints benefits, though.
You don't have enough deca or mast to use effectively. See ology faq's thread for info on a test cycle...
Get atleast two more mast and deca and unless ur body fat is low save the mast for a cutter works best with lower end bf my freind
Well I can't get any more deca, so should I just save it for a year or more and just run test solo? With winni?