help me lose my fat face

Kim the Swede

New member
I have always had a pretty strict diet because i dont wanna build up fat. So I had a hard time gaining lbm.
I tried about 2 years ago to bulk up....I gained pretty quick but it was a lot of fat i put on myself. And a lot of it landed on the head.

I started bulking recently because i have been stuck at ~175lbs for a long ass time. But now 2 months into my bulking the girlfriend told me my head has gotten quiet round and i am a little more cubby.
I would estimate that I am currently @ 12% BF, but I have always been lean and a fat increase will appear on me very clear.
I can add two things.
1. I never do cardio.
2. I am going to start a cycle in beginning of December.

What are your suggestions?
Should i continue bulking up, or should i hit the cardio and try to lose some bodyfat, or something else?
A friend of mine suggested work-out 3 times a week. And start doing hard ass cardio for 4 times a week.(I thought about boxing then). But i am afraid I will get overtrained.

This big ass head I got is really annoying.

My ideal would be:
6% BF

And I wanna get there without increase my bodyfat above 12%.
Shit, this was a long post
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You lose fat from your whole body, not one part... some people just have different features... I had a friend whose face would look like a damn skeleton before he could ever get abs, and others who could get the six-pack from hell and still look chubby in the face or have a bit of a double chin... just luck of the draw bro...

Also, could be bloat too if you're on creatine or something...
Hi Feli!
I am not on anything right now. I am eating a lot of fat food and protein-shakes, and i have gotten more pimples. I think that is too from the fat, but i can live with that.
All my fat is packing around the belly and in the face. I think i need to get below 10% to get rid of my fat face or something.

But the biggest problem is how do I get pass this weight I am at right now without packing on a lot of fat?
This bulking diet is abviously not very healty for me.
A bulking diet doesn't have to be unhealthy or have a lot of fat:

Mine (I was ~165 when I started it)?
~3000cal accounted for in meal plans:
~83.5g fat (25% of total cals; mostly unsaturated)
~212.5g pro (1.25g/lb I weigh)
~349.5g carb (tot get to total cals... mostly complex carbs when possible)
+500 "bonus cals" ED... whatever I want, but preferably having more pro than fat
If you want to get rid of the fat quick try CKD. If you're bulking I dotn think you should eat alot of fat food, stick to the basics, you should eat more cals than your maintenance level is. From what I'm reading most of the weight you're putting on might be water weight also, so when you hit cardio it will be gone somewhat. My suggestion would be, set a goal for your weight to be before you going to start a cut up cycle, reach that goal and then go on CKD, but makek sure to do it right because it's very easy to srew up. Hope that helps!
I will just try to gain as much as possible before the end of november, cut during entire december and thereafter hit the juice.
Thats my weak spot, the diet....too lazy

need to read more about CKD

thx man
Sorry for posting in Swedish.

Om du stör dig på ditt runda ansikte så finns det ju bot. Men det betyder att du inte får vara lat. Jag har själv ett ansikte som är aningen runt, men det beror väl mer på preparaten jag trycker i mig än något annat.
Det är kanske lite mycket att börja med 4 hårda cardio pass i veckan, personligen hade jag gjort såhär (och har gjort så tidigare)
Direkt du vaknar, ta en proteinare. Sen en rask promenad på 20-30 minuter, bara några ggr (3-4) i veckan. Äter du sedan någorlunda strikt, inga pizzor, Mcdonken eller annat skit förutom en dag i veckan och håller någorlunda bra tempo på gymet så tror jag du kommer bli nöjd med resultaten. Försök också att skära ned lite på kolisarna och hålla dig till långsamma kolhydrater.

Var i Sverige befinner du dig? Landskapet räcker om du vill vara hemlig :)
Du kan skicka PM..

Ps. Nu läste jag ditt sista inlägg och jag vet inte riktigt vad du tänkt dig.. Du vill bulka nu men bli av med fettet i ansiktet samtidigt?
well kim youre in luck because i hit about 195 at the end of my bulking cycle and now after cutting im down to 170-175. i dont know if you are gauging your bf levels correctly though because im 11% bf right now at 170lbs. i was like at 16-17% while bulking.

6% is not gonna happen without a lil help from some supps. i just wanted to break into the higher single digits naturally thru diet alone and it didnt happen on a spuer strict diet (cheated maybe only a handful of times during 4 loooong months)

diet is key once you reach a new level in your physique thats all i got to say. good luck. try and get your bf levels reassesed.
rodman9866 said:
well kim youre in luck because i hit about 195 at the end of my bulking cycle and now after cutting im down to 170-175. i dont know if you are gauging your bf levels correctly though because im 11% bf right now at 170lbs. i was like at 16-17% while bulking.

6% is not gonna happen without a lil help from some supps. i just wanted to break into the higher single digits naturally thru diet alone and it didnt happen on a spuer strict diet (cheated maybe only a handful of times during 4 loooong months)

diet is key once you reach a new level in your physique thats all i got to say. good luck. try and get your bf levels reassesed.

Well 6% wont be a problem. Since I am at 12-13% now and eating a lot of fat food and havent done cardio the latest 2 years. I have a high metabolism. So i dont think i need supps to get down there. Or, I am not sure.
Im still a little skeptical about getting down to 6%........i've seen corpses of people that were dead for a long tim eand they had like 3-4% bodyfat on them. are you sure youre taking your bodyfat correctly.....i hate to sound like a dick but thats some serious paper thin skin you got if you do it natural.
rodman9866 said:
Im still a little skeptical about getting down to 6%........i've seen corpses of people that were dead for a long tim eand they had like 3-4% bodyfat on them. are you sure youre taking your bodyfat correctly.....i hate to sound like a dick but thats some serious paper thin skin you got if you do it natural.

no, i am not sure I am correct. I hope so...
What bodyfat % do you think i can drop to without supps then?
I have a high metabolism...not extreme high...but high