help me time my carbs


New member
i was eating very little to almost no carbs on non work out days and then on work out days i was eating a bagel and i serving of flax and 40 grams of protein before my work out.

but i get tired and i feel like my suger is low so how can i eat carbs for energy for my work out but not eat them at other times. I have no probelm not eating them at all exepet for when its time to work out, but i feel that it doesnt work

I have not been counting exact meals but i make sure to get about 1 gram of protein for each pound of body weight. And i have very little fat expet for whats in my chicken and turkey.

the reason i havent been keeping exact track is that i have an injury and cant work out with a full routine.
Do not eat carbs before you work out. Insulin will inhibit growth hormone secretion. I woudl carb in the afternoon every other day at the most, and get atleast 100 carbs in a meal. If you do it your last meal wait an hour and a half before bed because you also get a groth hormone secretion when you sleep. Remeber to eat starchy carbs and not sugary ones.
Play with the timing of your pre-workout meal, amount of carbs and primary carb source. It may be you're eating too long before your workouts, eating too much or too little, or that your primary source of carbs is just difficult for your body for one reason or another. Pasta or oats just don't seem to work for me before working out, for instance, but bananas or honey & natural pb work great for me as primary carb sources before workouts. You just have to experiment a bit to find out what works for you.
Carbs post workout ONLY as your insulin receptors cells are DYING to be fat gain (unless you add fat to your carbs!!! Never eat fat and carbs in the same meal when trying to "diet".) ;)