Help my protien makes me sick!


New member
Hello, I have a problem that i wanted to pass by you guys, to see if maybey we can come to some solution. I have been drinking protien shakes for a number of years. 1-2 shakes a day, no more than 100g of protien from shakes a day total. Just recently (last month) I started getting sick when i drink my protien shake. Not like gas or bloating, but phisicaly ill. I have thrown up a few times while trying to choke down a shake, got cold sweats, and had to try to sleep it off for a few hours, then im fine again, like nothing had happened. I thought that maybey I had become lactose in tollerent, so i got some lactose free protiens, and mixed them with water. same results. please let me know what i should do, i need a shake to help me get to my protien goals :sad:
Is it EAS protein? I used EAS meal replacements way back when, with similar effects. Not so much ill, just nauseas, diaharrea, puking. Shit was gross.

Give TrueProtein (the link in my sig) a try. You can order proteins in 1 pound increments. Try a few different varieties. I would try a whey isolate, milk protein, egg white protein, and gemma protein. See if you can find one that doesnt make you sick.

My guess would be that its not the protein making you sick, ive never heard of anyone getting actually sick before. But i guess its possible.