New member
Hello, I have a problem that i wanted to pass by you guys, to see if maybey we can come to some solution. I have been drinking protien shakes for a number of years. 1-2 shakes a day, no more than 100g of protien from shakes a day total. Just recently (last month) I started getting sick when i drink my protien shake. Not like gas or bloating, but phisicaly ill. I have thrown up a few times while trying to choke down a shake, got cold sweats, and had to try to sleep it off for a few hours, then im fine again, like nothing had happened. I thought that maybey I had become lactose in tollerent, so i got some lactose free protiens, and mixed them with water. same results. please let me know what i should do, i need a shake to help me get to my protien goals