Help! National bikini competitor who needs help w/ damaged metabolism! Fast!



I competed five times in 2012, back to back. So I know, now, that this is a no-no. I was on high protein and extremely low carb diet totaling a whopping 1000 calories/day. YIKES. I did well in my shows and was on top of the I kept going without taking my body into consideration.

My last show was November 9th (Nationals in ATL) and since then...I tried continuing a super low calorie diet(which i was totally used to) and didn't take a break from the hour+ cardio a day. A few weeks after the show I realized i was GAINING weight...pretty quickly. So all I could do was freak out...because I was still cardio-ing and dieting! It was then I started to discuss with my bodybuilder friends what I was going through. I also went to the doctor and had my thyroid and hormone levels checked. First labs came back all screwed up. I literally was producing less estrogen and testosterone than a 46 yr old female who is pre-menapausal (per my doctor). Thyroid was in range. Three weeks later (last week) i went and repeated the labs and they came back completely normal. I've been told by almost everyone that hears my story, I've damaged my metabolism and my body is in starvation mode. I AM STILL GAINING WEIGHT!!!!

Not only am i depressed about the weight gain...I'm terrified that there is possible permanent damage. I've been advised to stop ALL cardio and take 2 weeks to eat WHATEVER I want to shock my system. I was told to also take those two weeks and lift HEAVY to engage the metabolism. I am completely confused...devastated...and at at loss. Can anyone give me their advise? Has anyone ever experienced this?
You answered your own question. If you competed so much back to back, then it's time to take a break. Let your body recovery. Pretty simple actually. Maybe I missed something? :scratchhe

edit: Just for the record - Roelly Winklaar is a shinning example of what competing too much in any given year would do to your physique.
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Well...maybe I should have included the fact that I'm planning on doing Jr USAs which is in 17 weeks. So...I'm kinda scrambling...worried that I won't be fixed in time to start prep again. Thats why its such a pressing issue...and the fact that I'm 25 lbs HEAVIER than I was on stage in November. (not fun to gain loads of weight when you are still busting ass with cardio, weights, and diet)
Ummm, so you don't like the answer? go ahead and compete. But even the coolest new carb cycling diets and fasting diets call for allowing a binge here and there. And often times athletes who take some additional time to recover find they are faster, better, stronger than they were in spite of the week(s) off. And no one said you should eat 3000calories and lie in bed. you can still eat healthy and be active.

So what if you take 2 weeks off and gain a few pounds... you're already doing that. What if you take the time off and actually feel and look better? Frankly based on your description there might be a body image problem. No amount of bikini contest is worth ruining your health over.

So I dunno. I guess it just sounds like you're wanting a different answer while your body is screaming the right one at you. Your body knows how to fix itself if you let it.

Then again, I've never competed in a bikini contest... I'm pretty sure no one wants to see that!
Sounds like your body is in starvation mode. It doesnt take that long to kick it in the other direction. Take a break from such a hard diet. I do this a lot. I know, not good. When i stop burning fat. I will eat heavy for a week, then kick in the diet again. It seems to work for me. Good luck
Well...maybe I should have included the fact that I'm planning on doing Jr USAs which is in 17 weeks. So...I'm kinda scrambling...worried that I won't be fixed in time to start prep again. Thats why its such a pressing issue...and the fact that I'm 25 lbs HEAVIER than I was on stage in November. (not fun to gain loads of weight when you are still busting ass with cardio, weights, and diet)

You're going to end up worst off in the end of you don't take the time to listen to your body.
Ummm, so you don't like the answer? go ahead and compete. But even the coolest new carb cycling diets and fasting diets call for allowing a binge here and there. And often times athletes who take some additional time to recover find they are faster, better, stronger than they were in spite of the week(s) off. And no one said you should eat 3000calories and lie in bed. you can still eat healthy and be active.

So what if you take 2 weeks off and gain a few pounds... you're already doing that. What if you take the time off and actually feel and look better? Frankly based on your description there might be a body image problem. No amount of bikini contest is worth ruining your health over.

So I dunno. I guess it just sounds like you're wanting a different answer while your body is screaming the right one at you. Your body knows how to fix itself if you let it.

Then again, I've never competed in a bikini contest... I'm pretty sure no one wants to see that!

I am taking time off....My show is in 17 weeks so if I take 2 weeks off, I should have ample amount of time to recover and prep for the show. I have been eating a higher cal diet and even had a few good cheat days. I haven't done ANY cardio in the past week. I'm hopping back on a structured diet tomorrow with around 1300 calories including more protein and carbs. I will slowly add in calories here and there to get my body acclimated.