Help needed 3J


New member
Hey man I posted in the diet advice from 3j but never got an answer...
Basically I need help with an affordable high protein diet on my 3rd aas cycle..
Everyone has told me I need to eat way more and just having trouble trying to do that...I have looked at some of the recipes on here and read alot of threads in the diet forum...thinking bout the austinite plan?
If you are willing to be serious and invest money in your diet he will respond to email faster if you are willing to pay for a full on meal plan and diet coaching...
His paying clients come first and get the best info/ rly wanna help yourself invest in his coaching...
His free info is very useful but if you rly wanna get started shoot an email and ask about prices for packages!

Not tryna interfere with business 3J! Just tryin help a guy out!