HELP needed! Beginner wants to quit


New member
Ok I was a plain fkin idiot of the highest order. I had been going to the gym for two years, and because I had a very bad workout routine I did not see any gains. My dealer friend told me the solution is steroids and like an idiot I listened to him and bought the stuff for 80 pounds. I did not do any research, nothing.

Its been 5 weeks Ive been using the stuff Testosterone Cypionate, and Im seeing hardly any improvement and I now know its because of how crap my workout was. I ate like a pig and I have put on A LOT of fat in the last month. Ive gone from having 6 pack abs (skinny abs) to a full blown belly.

I did not research post cycle therapy (pct) nothing. YES IVE BEEN A MORON. I dont care about the 80 pounds I just want to stop, and I want to stop SAFELY what should I do. I cant tell if my balls have gone smaller or not but they feel very slightly sore and tight.

Please help
how many mg in each ml? cypionate is a long ester so it should just now be really hitting your system, and will stick around longer. wait around 2 weeks before starting post cycle therapy (pct), but get off as soon as you have post cycle therapy (pct) lined up. grab some hcg (research it) as well to get your natty test back up and to help with testicular atrophy. clomid should be fine, maybe 40/20/20/20. fix your workout, hit up the cardio. clean up your diet. hopefully someone with some more experience will get in here and enlighten you on whether or not to stop immediately and seek out clomid, or stay on until you have definetly secured it. good luck
5 to 6 weeks is about right to start feeling the test c. Probably should post up some stats too so we can better help you. Now the question is what exactly do you want. Your doses 2ml a week of test c is around 400mgs a week. Thats a good first cycle. So if you choose to stay on this path, it sounds like you need to shed some fat fast. The higher the bf the more prone to gyno you are. Pick up some aromasin immediately and start out running that with your test c. Aromasin you can start out at 12.5mgs a day and adjust as needed. Get all you post cycle therapy (pct)s in a hurry so you have them on hand. There are stickies post about post cycle therapy (pct)s read them and dont be afraid to ask more questions. Get with 3jthe the site nutitionist if you need help shedding the fat the right way. Go to the training forum to tweak you workout routine and again ask questions. Do it right and youll love the results.
All that being said if you just want off the gear. I would keep running the gear until my post cycle therapy (pct)s came in and then follow a proper post cycle therapy (pct) protocol which you can read about in the stickies on the boards!
Hope this helps and this is just an opinion!

Yes you're right it does say 250 mg/ml sorry. Thanks a lot for the reply to all of the above. Much appreciated.
Can you elaborate on the losing fat bit? Do you mean I need to go on a cutting routine now? Wouldnt that take a lot of time? And I guess I should continue the dosage even while cutting? If so, wouldnt that be pointless anyway since I would have wasted the test-c anyway?

I was thinking of just stopping for 2 weeks and getting on the post cycle therapy (pct) since that is the waiting time prescribed. and then go on a cutting diet once im done with the post cycle therapy (pct).
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don't mean to sound like a dick, but..... way to research before you inject something in your freakin body. not knowing about pct, not knowing dosages. workout sucks, diet is probably terrible. steroids are not a magical pill. just the next step. probably why you bloated the fuck up. park your ass in front of the computer and start reading this forum from front to back. then do it again.
I agree

This was easily the dumbest thing I have ever done, I totally agree with you.

But on a second note, I dont know why I said 5 weeks, I meant 5 dosages, today was the 6th, so its only been 3 weeks. Do I still need PCT, given my body is still producing natural test.

Im going to do exactly what you said, read this back to front, but if you could just answer this last question I would be grateful.
don't mean to sound like a dick, but..... way to research before you inject something in your freakin body. not knowing about pct, not knowing dosages. workout sucks, diet is probably terrible. steroids are not a magical pill. just the next step. probably why you bloated the fuck up. park your ass in front of the computer and start reading this forum from frontw to back. then do it again.
relax no need to beat him up anymore he admitted hes wrong thats why he is here. we all started somewhere and made mistakes
Dude I would suggest keep going with the cycle. Fuck it why not? You have already injected 5 times so you might as well just try to sort your routine out. Get a personal trainer for 3 sessions to show you exersizes and a routine.
Order some pct off the internet. Nolvadex or clomid or both.

The steroids aren't working in yóur body yet most likely. Takes between 4-6 weeks to take full effect.

**DO NOT stop injecting until you have nolva or clomid.**

If you decide to keep going then start researching PCT, training routines, diet, side effects of testosterone, side effects of PCT compounds, side effects of your side effect controlling drugs lol.

Quick lesson to start you off

PCT - post cycle therapy takes place 14 days after last injection using NOLVADEX or CLOMID or both. This is because after using artificial testosterone your body stops making its own. When your body stops making its own you face problems such as depression... Loss of gains... Ect
PCT makes you start making your own testosterone again

Diet - 3500+ calories per day, minimum fat, shitlot of good carbs and a decent ammount of protein

Side effects of testosterone usage - gynocomastia (sp?) Meaning growth of man breasts due to estrogen levels rising. Hairloss, acne, lethargy, high blood pressure

Side effect controlling drugs (AI's ***8220;aromitase inhibitors). These drugs include letro and armidex,
These drugs help prevent side effects caused by a rise in estrogen levels. they basically drop estro levels. Its a lot more complicated than that but that is somewhere to start.
You use these throughout a cycle to keep estrogen low. These drugs have their own side effects also.

Look into this shit in more detail if you continue to use test. If you decide you are going to stop make sure you know how to PCT properly first
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when you say alot of fat... how much are we talking? poundage wise, not percent. hard to believe you could've put on an extreme amount of fat in only a month. re reading your post and some of the replies here, and after seeing you said 5 pins not 5 weeks, yeah just stay on it. if it's good gear you will see results. too soon to use gear since everything wasn't in order but too late now, so roll with it. clean that diet up and do like they said, fix your workouts, you should see some gains man. hit the gym hard enough and with a clean diet should be dropping that fat no problem. what were your goals with taking AAS? weight gain? maybe some lean mass and fat loss, strength with not much weight gain? adjust your diet accordingly, definetly get up with 3J, this should be a pretty easy fix. good luck man, sorry for coming off as a dick earlier
It can be a beautiful thing if you pull your shit together and put in the leg work. Lets start by getting some stats outta you. You know age, height, weight, pictures (not showing face) if possible, and goals. These are the foundation of coming up with a plan, a direction if you will. Ill hang with ya but you gotta give me some real info.......

^^^ epic name

And yeah bro post your stats up and we'll help you get this cycle on track, you havnt lost anything yet!
if u are still in your teens you should stop. go buy some nolva and HCG and get off. you r too young. if u r 24 or older then u may as well go thru with it since u r already 5 weeks deep and with test u barely start to feel it now.