Help needed please..


New member
Hi this is my 1st post and I'm in need of some advice, I started a 10wk course of test E and dbol.. I was injecting 2ml a week 1ml on Tues and 1ml on Fridays and did dbol as kicker at 40mg ED for 4weeks.. Unfortunately I'v had to finish my cycle 3 weeks early because of a trapped nerve in my upper trap/neck my last injection was on the 5th August and was wondering should I still need to run a PCT.. Any advice would be much appreciated thanks in advance.
Thanks for replying mate, this coming Friday will be 2 weeks since my last injection. Should I start to run my PCT then n would nolva n clomid be sufficient and how should I run it?
I did mate I was going to run something similar to what you suggested but start with 100 clomid but I wasn't sure if I needed to run as much if I had to end my cycle early.
Well as far as I'm concerned bro I don't wanna mess with anything that is going to bring back my natty t levels. Who knows what week you shutdown? I'd run your pct and get bloodwork done. Make sure you fully recover.