help on my first cycle!!!!


New member
5'8" 171 lbs about 8-10%bf

was wondering if i should take

wk 1-10 250mg test e
wk 1-10 dianabol
wk 1-12 zitazonium

i also have 100 tabs 10mg winstrol, 9 2ml vials deca, 1amp 5000i.u. hcg, 60 tabd zitazonium 20mg and 15 amps primobolan.

i know its alot of stuff for a first cycle but got excited and bought all of it before doing research. i dont have the test-e yet but since ive been reading all of the fourms i found that thats best for my first cycle. can i make a cycle out of what i have....just dont want it to go to wast....any sugestions?

(not sure how to add pictures)
Whats your age and training background?

IMO to many compounds for your first one.
KISS-Keep It Simple Stupid lol