Help please, need advice on next cycle, test tren eq


New member
hi new to this done test400 twice, deca and 1rip before, 5"10", 23yrs old, 192lbs

bulking but wanting to stay lean as poss, train mon-fri
Clean bulking diet, 6meals a day, Cheat meal wed&sun, taking Milk thistle/liv52/flax seed everyday

1-5. Dbol 30mg a day
1-15. Arimidex- every other day
1-14. Tren E 200mg 1.5ml- twice a week Mon a.m/Thrus p.m.
1-15. Test 400mg 0.5ml- twice a week Mon a.m/Thrus p.m.
1-15. Equipoise 300g 1ml- twice a weekMon a.m/Thurs p.m
9-15. Winstrol 40mg a day
2-15 HCG 250iu- twice a week Mon morning/Thrus night
17-21 Clomid- 100/100/50/50
17-21 Nolvadex- 40/40/20/20

when should i use hcg, clomid and nolvadex? do i have it right
any advice would be great
Your brain/endocrine system are not done developing until you are 25 years old. You should not run a cycle now as it can really mess them up. Wait until you are older.
ive done test twice and im fine, 1rip had test tren and mastrone in and im fine of that to and alot of threads on this forum and others have said to run test lower than tren
ive done test twice and im fine, 1rip had test tren and mastrone in and im fine of that to and alot of threads on this forum and others have said to run test lower than tren

What was your TT at before any cycles and what is it at currently for Natty? Just curious.
nope never, but will do this time might just do test and tren 12wks or test and eq 16wks, still kick it off with dbol 1st 4wks
nope never, but will do this time might just do test and tren 12wks or test and eq 16wks, still kick it off with dbol 1st 4wks

If you have never run blood work how do you know that you recovered "just fine"? Who knows how many points each cycle has knocked off your Natty T.