Help por favor


Iron Man
Hello ladies and gents if you can offer a word of advice..

couldn't get a hit in womens discussion moved it here:D

Long story short, my girlfriends younger sister is in desperate need of weight gain. She looks as if she is almost anorexic (sp?) but she is not, she just doesn't seem to put on any weight (I know this for sure because i watch her eat ). She does not work out do any sort of sporting activities, this is just for her overall health.

I want to put her on a general diet that she can follow, but being young (18) and picky , I am just looking for a basic diet plan that i could try getting her to follow. Any help would be most appreciated!! She has also said she is willing to try protein shakes too as long as they taste alright lol So i am going to order her some protein from Trueprotein (any further suggestions as to what the best type of protein for her would is more than welcome ! )

Thanks for any help offered!
as long as she eats well and healthy I dont think its unhealthy to be skinny.

she could try adding a more good fats to increase caloric intake without having to force it. nuts,seeds,avocado,peanutbutter and olive oil are all good examples.
Just because you see her eat doesn't mean you see her throw it all back up.

No no, she was the one who originally asked for my help to gain weight. She wants to put on the weight just has a really hard time doing it.

I will get her to dip into the fatty acids, i know shes big on nutella so i'll see about switching that over to some good ol' PB!!

any other suggestions?? anyone??