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i was going to start a 10 wk cycle of sustanon only but now i am going to start a cycle
sustanon 250 1 x wk
deca durabolin 200 mg 1 x wk (100 mg monday with sustanon 250 and remaining 100mg friday without sus)
and will start my post cycle therapy (pct) after 2weeks of last sus.. so guys could u plz help me finding my daily protein requirement and post cycle therapy (pct)?
age 22,5.8,154lbs and my fat % is aprox. 12 to 14 i think..
i think 150 gms of protein would be sufficient for me..what u say? and can u guyz plz prepare a diet plan for me plz plz plz would be very very very appreciative..
You need to do some research man. U are already messing up..never run deca for a first cycle. First cycle should always be just test. For a number of different reasons. And one of the biggest reasons is you do NOT need more.than test. somebody that is 150 something lbs needs a new diet and that's it. Put some muscle on first then look into.aas..
I just got off of a 12 week SUSx2 inject weekly and had outstanding gains.....I was only 150 when I started the cycle. I felt like I just could not get passed the plateau of 150 and that's with busting my ass at the gym and at the minimum of 4500 calories a day for meals. Some of us are just not blessed with the ability to gain weight. So I am with you as long as you have a good foundation to start with and you know what you are doing. But weighing 150 and taking gear means you have to put a shit load of food in your belly for anything to work. Then after your cycle is over you will have changed the norm of your body and then from there you can build it up with other stacks.
before stack 150-----after stack 178

I say go for the sus only leave the deca for another time trust me it will be enough
if you don't even know how to diet wtf makes you think your ready for gear??

As for the kid saying he ate 4500 min a day and didnt gain wait. i GUARANTEE you were not. you might THINK you were. but i have a hard time eating that and im 230... post your diet with macros if you want to prove me wrong. but im willing to bet you didnt actually track all your calories