So i mentioned blood work 4 times before anyone else and nobody agreed until someone else said it.
I chuckled....
And tankman, he ignored taking AI completely for the starter of his cycle, then he took AI once a week, then switched it up to every third day(even though the half life doesn't even support that)
And i've told him from the very beginning off his first post here in another thread, that'll he'll reach this point of high blood pressure and risk serious health problems, such as brain hemmorage, that's the first time he listened and starting going on 6.25mg ED, about 3 weeks into the cycle.
And 20-25mg is not even close to being "way too much", specially not in sense of aggressively lowering/preventing any more conversion to his very high estrogen, for the 30 days I stated. Shit, i can eat 20mg OFF cycle without issues, it'll only lower my values to half(at worst 2/3thirds). So you're wrong, especially in this specific case.
Could it be high hematocrit/hemoglobin values? Yes it could, but without blood work (duh) how can we tell? And with the information available, its pretty fucking obvious to me its high blood pressure.
I had this exact experience during my first cycle where I didn't use an AI at all for the whole cycle.
By middle of it, i had shortness of breath but figured it was the tren... Towards the end, the blood pressure was so high, during leg days it felt like my brain would explode and cause brain hemorrhage. This is why I know 100% its not anxiety, it's not's high estrogen coupled with high blood pressure.
Shit, just go check the fucking blood pressure, most serious gyms have one of those available, if not 100% one of their PT's have one....
Where the fuck is my credit and rep.... Everyone just repeating my advices lol...
It's like, why do I even bother helping people, 90% doesn't listen at all and the remaining 10% just don't listen to me lol...
Maybe I should just let people fuck themselves up and laugh at them....
/rant over...