Help! Stopped taking testosterone cypionate


New member
I recently started taking testosterone cypionate to get big. I decided to stop after the third injection because I don't want my testicles to stop producing natural testosterone I took a total of three cc's of 250mg/ml over the the course of a week and a half. Have my balls already stopped producing natural testosterone and if so how long do you think until I start producing naturally again? I also have hcg. Is that necessary to take since I wasn't on it that long? I'm a 20 year old male
You may want to consider running PCT. Hopefully you did your homework prior to starting your cycle and have your Clomid and Nolva on hand.

Did you do pre-cycle blood work to be able to see if your Natty hormone levels return to normal?
listen up laddiiieeee

As your obviously prone to snap decisions and over reacting to the subsequent consequences that usually follow those; aas are not for you at this stage of your life OK ? Did you see a t v special or read something queing at the store ?

You will be time. Do not overthink this and fkn freak out. Next time you let a gym guru sell you gear...stop in and run it by those of us who have nothing gain by either selling you something or giving you bad advice.

x2 to the vets above me. If I were you, I would research and find some clomid and nolvadex from a RELIABLE source. If this can be done, you might as well continue your cycle, start injecting 250iu of HCG 2x per week, and start PCT 14 days after your last pin of Cyp.

If you can't afford or obtain the PCT then stop altogether now and make use of that HCG you have on hand. You know how to reconstitute it right?
x2 to the vets above me. If I were you, I would research and find some clomid and nolvadex from a RELIABLE source. If this can be done, you might as well continue your cycle, start injecting 250iu of HCG 2x per week, and start PCT 14 days after your last pin of Cyp.

If you can't afford or obtain the PCT then stop altogether now and make use of that HCG you have on hand. You know how to reconstitute it right?

Actually, hCG suppresses your HPTA. You do not want to use it for/during PCT.
Take MegaTron's and Teutonic's advice. They know their shit and give awesome advice!!! And christ you are only fkn 20 years old ! At your age you have lots of natural Test. Dial in your diet and pound the weights. Just because you are doing a cycle doesn't mean you still don't have to work at it. It sounds like a spur of the moment decision on your part to start taking Test.
You will be fine. Don't sweat it.