HELP !!! Tendonitis in elbows/knees/shoulder still after 1 year off


New member
I had to take the last 11 months off from training due to severe tendonitis (now maybe tendonosis depending on which definition you use) in both knees, both elbows and the right shoulder. I also has been diagnosed with plantar fascitits in both feet 3 years ago and I tore my left Achilles tendon 5 years ago.

I started lifting really heavy (+60% increase in weight) as opposed to a more volume based training routine when these injuries occurred. I did abuse steroids for the 5 years prior to this occurring.

Autoimmune diseases have been ruled out. I have been off of all AAS since Sept 2011. I have been detoxing with Vit C, ala, NAC, & Glutathione along with FIR Infrared Saunas.

Has anyone else ever heard or experienced this? If so what was the outcome? I am looking into prolotherapy and PRP as possible options. Has anyone tried prolo or PRP?

I know this sounds crazy but I have been getting cortizone shots for the last 8 yrs, and about 5 months ago I got tendonitis in both elbows from being very stupid on skullcrushers. I went way to heavy. I read about some stuff called Otseo Bi-flex. I started taken 2 pills everyday and after 3 weeks I felt almost 100% new again. No more shots and no more tendonitis. If I quit taking it for 1 week the pain starts coming back fast and hard. I swear by the stuff. You might try it. I can't hurt.
I had to take the last 11 months off from training due to severe tendonitis (now maybe tendonosis depending on which definition you use) in both knees, both elbows and the right shoulder. I also has been diagnosed with plantar fascitits in both feet 3 years ago and I tore my left Achilles tendon 5 years ago.

I started lifting really heavy (+60% increase in weight) as opposed to a more volume based training routine when these injuries occurred. I did abuse steroids for the 5 years prior to this occurring.

Autoimmune diseases have been ruled out. I have been off of all AAS since Sept 2011. I have been detoxing with Vit C, ala, NAC, & Glutathione along with FIR Infrared Saunas.

Has anyone else ever heard or experienced this? If so what was the outcome? I am looking into prolotherapy and PRP as possible options. Has anyone tried prolo or PRP?


Tendonitis is crippling my hands. I was always so against wearing straps, but now I have no choice, grip strength is now garbage. Doctor give you anything? Tendonitis is inflammation of the tendons, so sometimes a good anti inflammatory works, although it can get so severe that surgery is an only option. Good luck man. Im certainly with you in this battle.
I know this sounds crazy but I have been getting cortizone shots for the last 8 yrs, and about 5 months ago I got tendonitis in both elbows from being very stupid on skullcrushers. I went way to heavy. I read about some stuff called Otseo Bi-flex. I started taken 2 pills everyday and after 3 weeks I felt almost 100% new again. No more shots and no more tendonitis. If I quit taking it for 1 week the pain starts coming back fast and hard. I swear by the stuff. You might try it. I can't hurt.
Thanks for the info, I will research it.
Tendonitis is crippling my hands. I was always so against wearing straps, but now I have no choice, grip strength is now garbage. Doctor give you anything? Tendonitis is inflammation of the tendons, so sometimes a good anti inflammatory works, although it can get so severe that surgery is an only option. Good luck man. Im certainly with you in this battle.
Yeah the doctors have given me NSAID's and Medrol. I never took them because of the side effects. I just made an appointment with an ortho who was a pioneer in prolotherapy and PRP. Hopefully he can help, because I dont know where else to go.