Help me change physique and lifestyle.


New member
Hey guys, just to get this out of the way..
29 yo
210 lbs
16-18% bf (just a guess)

Have trained before. I've been in excellent shape in my amateur boxing career at 170 lbs very lean. And I've been 230lbs obese. Had some injuries along the way over last 15 years but I've spent the last 4 months working on diet and very hard work ethic to get here.

Started at 228 lbs and MUCH fatter. So naturally I'm here to talk with u guys about training mostly. I'll be talking with 3j about nutrition once I'm not making changes on my own anymore. As far as nutrition goes I've been just using common sense and applying all the old general rules as far as eating clean and healthy that I used to follow when I fought. I'd say I've definitely been in a calorie deficit most days with one or two higher calorie days a week when I start to feel beaten down. Basically if I can kill it or I can grow it I can eat it!

I've adjusted my training several times over last 4 months. I began with heavy weights and LISS cardio for a bit. I got used to the training habits agIn and changed to the 4horseman workouts. Basically a combination of HIIT and heavy lifting with little rest and 1.5-2 hour grinds every day.
After a month I adjusted again and began focusing on all my core compound lifts. Learned to clean squat, front squat, overhead press and excellent pullup form. Now my split looks like this...
Morning fasted cardio either run 3-5 miles or bike 1 hr.
Afternoon lifting usually a compound lift to start off and warm up like power cleans and barbell complex and then I lift my usual routine. 1-2 muscle groups for 5x5 usually. And started doing core every day.
Evening I've started boxing again. So it's usually 30-45 min of technical work and sparring and once a week I do very heavy power work on bags. PUKE.
I do well to keeping a 3 day on 1 day off split but I listen to my body and take a day off of one or all three sessions if I need to. I know what over trained feels like. And I know how quickly it can amount to an injury. But mostly it's really the CNS that gets taxed.

Ill go ahead and just mention this now, I AM on test prop 300mg/wk. Pinning eod. It help very much with recovery as my work tempo is so high and I'm still battling CNS overtraining from time to time.
I'm not sure where I'm at a ght now as far as bf% but I know my physique has completely transformed from the lardass I had become. With some help from you guys and 3j I have a feeling I'm gonna reach that 10% bf goal while keeping the LM I've clung to so far. Recomp stage is over so no more newbie gains. So I'm really gonna focus on fat reduction while still lifting heavy.

So please excuse the long winded 1st post. I wanted to cover as much as possible. Now your turn. Let me know...ain't gonna hurt my feelings. I'll be honest and prompt answering any questions because I'm really looking for your input on this battle.
Forgot to add here are some lifts where I'm at right now.
Bench 315
Back Squat 330
Front squat 255
DL I won't go Above 315 (old injury) so I just do more reps.
Power clean and squat 255
Standing Pushpress (strict form) 205

5 mi run time is 36 min
2 mi run 14 min
1 mi 6:36

Biking I usually go 15-20 mi in an hour.
Wow, OK clearly this forum doesnt quite get the play I thought. Haha no worries. I'll continue this one on my own. Keep pushing guys and gals! Good luck.