Help/Tips for my first Sustanon cycle


New member
Hi, I am planning my first test cycle. it will consist of 500 mg of sustanon 250. 2 shots a week so 250 mg a shot. I will also be running arimidex to try and keep the water retention down. I will be eating a clean "bro food" only diet around 250 grams of protein 250-300 grams of carbs depending on exercise level of that day and 60-70g of fat. my stats: 6 foot 180 pounds around 13 percent body fat. please if anyone has suggestions or issues about this cycle let me know so i can revise it properly. Also my pct will consist of HCG and clomid run after the cycle for weeks to follow.

Can you get just test E for your first cycle? Also your pct is very incorrect. You do not run hcg for pct, and you do not run pct for 2 weeks, and you do not start pct the day after your last shot
Sustanon should be pinned every other day. Probably didn't know that... Go read the beginner cycles stickys.
what the fuck is bro food???

Ummm foods usually eaten by the "fitness community"or also, Stereotypical foods for "bodybuilders" chicken breast, brown rice, oatmeal, egg whites, broccoli, tilapia..ect. I'm assuming that's what he means when he says he will be eating "bro foods" lol