HELP! underdosed gear, help me save this cycle


New member
I planned on running 400ml test cyp (ordered online) (200ml/Tuesday,friday) for 12 weeks... at 7 weeks no change except for some testicular this point I upped dose to 300-350ml Tuesday and Friday... around week 10 I got bloods done
health panel was perfect including red blood cells, liver, kidney, etc
FSH, LH were completely shut down as expected
prolactin 9.8 3-30
test 60 292-1052
calc free test 1.8 4.8-25
estradiol 6.5 10-42
estrone 7.7 9-36
total est 14.2 19-69

I was told this meant my gear was (severely) underdosed
My question is I have started a vial of test cyp 400ml from another lab, this is week 11 for me, should I extend the cycle to about 16 weeks, or should I just pack it up and wait to begin PCT
If you have new test, just start with that. If it was underdosed then I'd just extend the cycle, cuz youre already shutdown.
This doesn't make sense. Your Total testosterone is 60. Your LH and FSH are zero. All this while in 600-700mg per week of Test Cyp. Are you sure you didn't mean to write 600?

The only conclusion I can think of is that your Test Cyp is really another form of AAS. Perhaps Deca?

Are you using anything else? An oral perhaps? Can you lay out everything you are taking and be precise please?
Lab results say 60, not 600 which I agree, doesn't make sense. But I feel like garbage, so I think 60 is reasonable in that sense.
my math was a little off, weeks 1-11 was the old vials of kaballero 400ml test cyp, I have taken two shots of a different labs 400ml test cyp, both times getting pretty bad pip. I wasn't taking any orals throughout weeks 1-11, but might start dbol with this new test if that's a good idea.
if the first vials weren't test, does that mean I should expect the actual test cyp to kick in 4 weeks?

*edit* let me know if you need any more info
Lab results say 60, not 600 which I agree, doesn't make sense. But I feel like garbage, so I think 60 is reasonable in that sense.
my math was a little off, weeks 1-11 was the old vials of kaballero 400ml test cyp, I have taken two shots of a different labs 400ml test cyp, both times getting pretty bad pip. I wasn't taking any orals throughout weeks 1-11, but might start dbol with this new test if that's a good idea.
if the first vials weren't test, does that mean I should expect the actual test cyp to kick in 4 weeks?

*edit* let me know if you need any more info

You were on something because your LH, FSH and TT were all shut down. But it wasn't testosterone.

After 11 weeks on cycle -- and with no testosterone in you -- I would say it is time for PCT.

Next time, make sure you get mid-cycle blood work.
While I plan on taking your advice (appreciate it) I already took those two shots of the new vial, my doc wants me to get labs this week, while I may not be feeling the effects, do you think it will show elevated levels? now im worried about my Asin and nolva because they are both from the lab that sold the bunk test
While I plan on taking your advice (appreciate it) I already took those two shots of the new vial, my doc wants me to get labs this week, while I may not be feeling the effects, do you think it will show elevated levels? now im worried about my Asin and nolva because they are both from the lab that sold the bunk test

Are you on doctor prescribed TRT? If no, why does your doc want you to get blood work? And what labs will he have run?
After 11 weeks on cycle -- and with no testosterone in you -- I would say it is time for PCT.

Next time, make sure you get mid-cycle blood work.

No matter what your case is man.. take Tron's advice here. Something shut you down completely and it wasn't testosterone.
Are you on doctor prescribed TRT? If no, why does your doc want you to get blood work? And what labs will he have run?

No, I was diagnosed with low t from my old endo, got my own "test" (or whatever I bought) I moved cities and went to the new doctor and told him my situation, and I wanted labs. He wanted me off asap and said we would do labs in a few weeks. Test, free test, prolactin, est, lh, shbg, fsh. Ill probably put this off as last shot was on dec 5th
No matter what your case is man.. take Tron's advice here. Something shut you down completely and it wasn't testosterone.

Definitely taking his advice, worries me enough as to what I was putting in my body.
And thanks trekrider, my common sense is out the window today
No, I was diagnosed with low t from my old endo, got my own "test" (or whatever I bought) I moved cities and went to the new doctor and told him my situation, and I wanted labs. He wanted me off asap and said we would do labs in a few weeks. Test, free test, prolactin, est, lh, shbg, fsh. Ill probably put this off as last shot was on dec 5th

Well you have kind of screwed yourself here. What do you think your new doc is going to do when he sees that your LH and FSH are shut down? I didn't go to medical school and even I know you are on gear. I would postpone the appointment.