help w fat loss.


New member
Hi ladies and gent. New to the group and am wanting some good advise on how to diet right and loose those few pesky lbs. I have tried Anavar (var) and I iust really want to do it the right way. In the gym at least 3~ 4x a week w an hour of lifing and half hour of cardio. I eat l but just not enough.

Stats........ , female 28yrs, 5'5, 145# bmi around 23%. Not looking to be rail thin just actually look like I feel I should fot the amount of time im inthe gym.

Hi ladies and gent. New to the group and am wanting some good advise on how to diet right and loose those few pesky lbs. I have tried Anavar (var) and I iust really want to do it the right way. In the gym at least 3~ 4x a week w an hour of lifing and half hour of cardio. I eat l but just not enough.

Stats........ , female 28yrs, 5'5, 145# bmi around 23%. Not looking to be rail thin just actually look like I feel I should fot the amount of time im inthe gym.


Welcome sil80chik :)

If your not eating enough, you won't loose the weight, if u don't eat enough your body turns as much of your calories as possible into fat because it doesn't know when it's going to get food again.
you really need to have your diet in check, you want to keep your metabolism working & not slow it down.

What does your diet look like now ?
I understand the eating enough and through out the day its tough to eat small.meals all's ay BC of my job.

That's understandable, but you still need to make sure you eat enough calories for the day - you need to figure when the best times for you to eat is (try to eat at the same times daily so your body gets on a schedule). And you can figure out what you're going to eat for those meals in advance so you make sure you're eating properly and enough. It took me years to get my diet on point, but I deal well with small changes best since those small changes become habit for me and I then dont revert back to my previous bad eating habits.

Oh and welcome :)
Breakfast is usually Greek yogurt w some honey and ceral mix. I hate milk and am scared to death of eggs. Lunch is usually 5~ 7 Oz protein be it chicken beef or fish w a veggies usually green beans or broccoli. Dinner is usually the same protein and veggies. I snack during my running around at work w celery apples and peanut butter or wheat crackers. I drink probably half a gallon of water a day. I have cut back on booze and have seen a nice change . I have lost 6# I would just like to bring out lean muscle. My stomach is pretty flat but no definition. I seem to keep the weight in my rear and legs. Im a former dancer I also played soccer and ran track.
Breakfast is usually Greek yogurt w some honey and ceral mix. I hate milk and am scared to death of eggs. Lunch is usually 5~ 7 Oz protein be it chicken beef or fish w a veggies usually green beans or broccoli. Dinner is usually the same protein and veggies. I snack during my running around at work w celery apples and peanut butter or wheat crackers. I drink probably half a gallon of water a day. I have cut back on booze and have seen a nice change . I have lost 6# I would just like to bring out lean muscle. My stomach is pretty flat but no definition. I seem to keep the weight in my rear and legs. Im a former dancer I also played soccer and ran track.

You're not going to see abs until your body fat gets belowe 20% - prolly around 17-18% you'll have abs. Are you still losing weight? Cause if you lost 6 pounds you should be happy, you're on the right track.... If you want to fine tune your diet I would go to the diet section and ask 3J - he has a sticky that you can post you diet in and get advice from him.... plus it would be good to complete his formulas and see what your TDEE is and how much you should be eating, and how much you actually are eating now. A few small changes should help you out a bunch :) Plus you may want to add another day to your workout, that could help a lot too. It's a lot of hard work, and it seems you're doing great so far :)
Im n the gym no less than 4 days. I have a knee injury so it holds me back a bit. Im not too worried about being shredded. 3j has hepled my husband. This sight has helped both of us but its time for me own. I am happy w thd loss just seems to have plateaued. Im going to start doing the gym 2x on tues and thurs for aome extra cardio and small area work.
Im n the gym no less than 4 days. I have a knee injury so it holds me back a bit. Im not too worried about being shredded. 3j has hepled my husband. This sight has helped both of us but its time for me own. I am happy w thd loss just seems to have plateaued. Im going to start doing the gym 2x on tues and thurs for aome extra cardio and small area work.

Congrats on everything and your motivation. A simple diet change or work out change should help you get through your plateau, so the gym change up should help :) - I hate plateaus too, they can be so hard to get through.
Im adding birkram yoga 3x a week instead of extra time in the same old gym. I miss the dance poses and elongated poses. I have decided its me against myself. I van do only what im capable of but only I can.push myself further. I willnot give up lifing w my husband but I need ro feel like a dancer again and yoga is as close as it will get
Im adding birkram yoga 3x a week instead of extra time in the same old gym. I miss the dance poses and elongated poses. I have decided its me against myself. I van do only what im capable of but only I can.push myself further. I willnot give up lifing w my husband but I need ro feel like a dancer again and yoga is as close as it will get

Yoga is great for re-shaping your body, I've heard great things about birkram yoga, I might want to give it a try myself :)

Keep working hard, & I'm sure you'll reach your goals in no time.

Good luck to u~