Help with bloating!!!


New member
I have used many different cycles and have always had problems with bloating on EVERYTHING. I've tried low carb, proviron, nolva, clomid, eca, clen....

I'm 3 weeks into a low dose cutter of 400mg deca, 200 mg primo every week amd 20/30 mg superdrol ed. I thought the SD would help dry me out, but I can't button the neck on my shirts or fit my gut into my pants!
None of those things you listed will help with bloating. Get some arimidex or AIFM.
johnmark said:
Only one oral ....the SD. I'm trying no test to avoid bloat and estrogen.

Deca is known to cause bloating/water retention. Oddly enough, I experienced little bloating when I used it several years ago. Anyway...

Diuretics such as lasix and aldactone can help if you want to go down that route, but you really have to know what you're doing as they can potentially be dangerous if not used properly.

Maybe you could try a natural diuretic such as taraxatone. It works pretty well for an OTC product.
nandrolone causes bloating. superdrol is a progestin, using it with nandrolone is probably not wise.

aromatase inhibitor will reduce nandrolone bloating- somewhat.
brooklynheight said:
mcaro..what do u think of using nolva and aifm together?

for what?

really dont reccomend NOLVA for PCT, though it can be used with AIFM for that. Generally reccomend clomid 50mg- no frontload with or without AIFM (with is generally better)

do not reccomend nolva for use with progestins or within 30-60 days of using them (nandrolone in particular)

mixed feeling about nolva for gyno, in some cases IGF-1 and estrogen it is helpful, with progestins it is most likely counterproductive (though if the issue is not the progestin by IGF-1 or estrogen it can help). if prolactin is a problem, just not enough is known to reccomend either way though appears to lean toward counter productive. Obviously dopaminergics are reccomended for prolactin issues.
WTF r u doing said:
Proviron works at reducing water retention.

it does. its hard to say if this is primarily due to its own DHT likel binding or its freeing up of endogenous DHT from SHBG (it has a very high affinity comparatively)- likely both though which is the dominant effect is in question.
johnmark said:
I have used many different cycles and have always had problems with bloating on EVERYTHING. I've tried low carb, proviron, nolva, clomid, eca, clen....

I'm 3 weeks into a low dose cutter of 400mg deca, 200 mg primo every week amd 20/30 mg superdrol ed. I thought the SD would help dry me out, but I can't button the neck on my shirts or fit my gut into my pants!

You say you tried everything to stop bloat but then don't mention aromison/AIFM/Arimdex/Letro

Those are all top AI's at blocking estrogen and helping to limit bloat.
[You say you tried everything to stop bloat but then don't mention aromison/AIFM/Arimdex/Letro

Those are all top AI's at blocking estrogen and helping to limit bloat.

I didn't think an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) would be helpful for this cycle, since there should be no conversion of these products at these levels.

If your certain it will help I'll do it.
johnmark said:
[You say you tried everything to stop bloat but then don't mention aromison/AIFM/Arimdex/Letro

Those are all top AI's at blocking estrogen and helping to limit bloat.

I didn't think an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) would be helpful for this cycle, since there should be no conversion of these products at these levels.

If your certain it will help I'll do it.

I was actually refuring to your previous cycles.