Help with Bloodwork!! What do you think


New member
Hi Guys,

Just received my labs and was just wanting to get your opinions on them and what you think about procedure that I've been asked to start.

Little background on myself.
39 years old
6'2" 200 lbs.
I'm a avid cyclist so I would say overall I'm fairly healthy.
Reason for the labs were to see why I'm constantly feeling tired and fatigued and have low libido.

Lab Results
Testosterone Total 599 250-1100 ng/dl
Testosterone Free 51.2 46.0-224.0 pg/ml
Testosterone Bioavailable 103.0 110.0-575.0 ng/dl
TSH 0.80 0.40-4.50 miu/l
T4, Free 1.2 0.8-1.8 ng/dl
T3,Total 109 76-181 ng/dl
DHEA, LC/MS/MS 250 61-1636 ng/dl
Vit. D 22 30-100 ng/ml
Estradiol 23 < or = 39 pg/ml
SHBG 103.0 110.0-575.0 ng/dl

The doctor said that he was happy with my total t but was alarmed that my free t was as low as it is. His quick explanation was that I'm producing plenty of testosterone but not using it at this point. He said not to put as much focus on the total t as I should be more focused on free t levels. He suggested at starting me off on 150 test cyp at 1xweek and taking 1mg of anastrolzol with hcg 1xweek as well.
His goal is to atleast triple my free t and try to take my total t up to the 1100 range. Said that I should feel significantly better in multiple ways in 90 days give or take. Wants to rerun labs at 5wks,10,wks and try to dial it in. Plus I have been battling the low vit D for over a year now. The 22 above is me taking 50,000 1xweek. So I'm going to try 10,000 1xday to see if it helps bring it up.

So what do you guys think? Does this sound correct or is he just happy to put me on TRT?
Thanks in advance! Meanwhile ill be doing some research on this as well.
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I have 3 pages of labs here just didn't know how much to throw out there.
My Estradiol is 23 < or =39 pg/ml
SHBG is 103.0 110.0-575.0 ng/dl
ok.. i need clarification.. are you on trt now? when did you start your trt?
That is correct. I had blood drawn last week on Monday. Went to doctor today to get results and take first injection.
your levels really didn't warrant trt imo..

though you bioavailable test is low.. and it doesn't seem to be related to shbg.. that doesn't mean trt is the answer.

regardless those hormones at this point are irrelevant. its time to worry about getting dialed in
your levels really didn't warrant trt imo..

though you bioavailable test is low.. and it doesn't seem to be related to shbg.. that doesn't mean trt is the answer.

regardless those hormones at this point are irrelevant. its time to worry about getting dialed in

I was afraid of hearing that. I figured id do a lot of research between now and next Monday to see if I even want to continue the shots. Doctor said if I wasn't feeling anybetter in 3 months that I could always stop all together. I believe he said that's why he was giving me the hcg. Well thanks for the time!
Well im two weeks in on the above treatment and have my first question?
Get you caught up
Week 1
Pinned on Monday in right arm
Thursday morning i woke up with what felt like a lump in throat while swallowing. No pain associated with it and it was completely gone come saturday morning.
Mental clarity felt improved as well on thursday and friday.
Could feel the pin site in arm all the way up until friday. Not a big deal it felt like a lumpy bruise several inches in diameter.
Week 2
Pinned on Monday in right butt cheek
Woke up today (thursday) with the exact same lump feeling in throat. Feels like its right at the adams apple if that makes since.
Mental clarity has felt better this week starting mid Wednesday and still feels more crisp now.
Could this lump feeling be tied into the treatment in any way? The NP was quick to rule it out last monday when she had asked how week 1 had went.