Help with come off


New member
5'11 227lb 22 Yaers Old

I have run an Anadrol / Winnie Cycle for 6-7 month. Have gain roughly 45lb
Strict diet of high meat and veg throughout with no drink or drug.

Winstal 30 mg per day and Anadrol 50-75mg per day.

I need break and I do not want to luse muscle what best drug to come down necessary?

Some say this long time on sters but I have no bad effect
5'11 227lb 22 Yaers Old

I have run an Anadrol / Winnie Cycle for 6-7 month. Have gain roughly 45lb
Strict diet of high meat and veg throughout with no drink or drug.

Winstal 30 mg per day and Anadrol 50-75mg per day.

I need break and I do not want to luse muscle what best drug to come down necessary?

Some say this long time on sters but I have no bad effect

im assuming this is a joke but its not a funny one.

on the off chance its not a joke you need to get off the steroids NOW and get blood work to see how your liver is . its possible that if you dont drink or use anything else that stresses the liver your liver isnt fried but its also very possible you have severly stressed your liver . also 6 months of winnie should have trashed your cholesterol levels.
Hi thank you.

No big joke I was told supplier to use 2 month maximum but only take a week off at most when I've run down the pills.
As said I have no problems with body that I know and blood test I don't know where to go that
You arent taking this very serious...taking any oral steroid for that long is very dangerous. You need to STOP taking them ASAP. You need to get a blood test also. Its very likely you have caused permanent damage to your liver at this point and possible hepatocellular carcinoma.
Ok I can stop but I cannot keep muscle? I will go to hospital and ask for blood or where to go? Sometimes my back down low is much pain at night.
I do take a drug name Milk Thistle that I was talked to would keep my organ clean
Ok I can stop but I cannot keep muscle? I will go to hospital and ask for blood or where to go? Sometimes my back down low is much pain at night.
I do take a drug name Milk Thistle that I was talked to would keep my organ clean

go to a dr , go to med plus , go somewhere and get blood work as soon as possible.

The doctor gave news that my liver still funtion at okay but not good and took blood.
No more pills and I feel very sick. I gave order for Clomid after reading as much I read on here. English is not my langange.
I am losing pounds is there anything can do for this?

The doctor gave news that my liver still funtion at okay but not good and took blood.
No more pills and I feel very sick. I gave order for Clomid after reading as much I read on here. English is not my langange.
I am losing pounds is there anything can do for this?

stop worrying about losing pounds and start doing everything you can to fix the damage you have most likely caused. there is no point in worrying about muscle mass when you have much much bigger things to worry about. I'm pleased that the doctor says things are ok, but I'm sure your cholesterol is beyond tanked so just do the best you can to keep working out and eating right.
You took winstrol for 6 months.. I have nothing positive to even say right now. For some reason reading this just infuriated me.
As a PCT clomid is recommended at 50mg everyday for 4 weeks, but you should worry about your liver and cholesterol. First of all stop taking Anadrol and winstrol, the 2 most hepatoxic oral steroids. Go to a private clinic or your personal doctor and ask for blood test to verify your HDL and LDL(both cholesterol) and your liver's value.
You took winstrol for 6 months.. I have nothing positive to even say right now. For some reason reading this just infuriated me.

x2. Dude, I don't even know what PCT you would do. I have never heard of anyone running Winnie that long so I'm at a complete and utter loss for words. My guess would just be a standard PCT, read the stickies. Maybe someone else has a better idea.

Part of me is worried that you'll end up running clomid for 6 months too...
Hi Bigtimer.

I understand you stopped taking the orals and your on the road to recovery after seeing the doctor. Good to hear it.

Take 50mg of clomid a day for 4 weeks. Usually its 50mg per 1 pill. To keep your gains just keep eating a good amount of food and keep training.

Do yourself a solid and make sure that you take care of your health right now. staying big is not as important as being healthy.

STAY on this site and learn more too plz. All of your information should not come from your supplier. He will tell you whatever he has to say to make you buy more product. You are a paycheck in his eyes.
STAY on this site and learn more too plz. All of your information should not come from your supplier. He will tell you whatever he has to say to make you buy more product. You are a paycheck in his eyes.

True story.

A supplier is doing the same thing in my city with newbies. I keep hearing people who buys from him telling me all kind of wrong information/fact he tells them and they listen him as if he was god himself.