Help with Creatine and Cyto Gainer


New member
Hi first post here , but im reading this board since a couple of month now , i find it very instructive

Here's my question , im using creatine monohydrate (weiders pills) i know i got robbed lol since its only powder in capsule i split the capsule open and mix the powder with kool-aids

I Do 5 day of loading (20g per day, 5g pre-workout)
3 week of maintenance (5g a day usuly pre-workout)
3 week of washing up (no creatine)

But now a friend of mine gave me a Cyto Gainer bottle and im thinking about using it post-trainning but im not sure how to use it with my usual creatine dosage

since im only 21 i find myself a little young for liver dammage loll

can someone help :) ? and if you have a better way for my creatine dosing im also open to it

thanks , Duyan
just get some regular mono and just take your mono and protein after working out or some people split the mono up through out the day. in the end what ever mono you dont use your body will just dispose of an or find a use for it.