help with cycle?


New member
im about 5'8 180lbs and around 13% bodyfat or so im looking to get down to about 8% bodyfat or so this is my 3rd cycle my 1st was 300mg/week deca for 10 weeks and my 2nd was 200mg/deca and 250mg/sustanon for 10 weeks what i wanna do is 600mg/week of deca im trying to get some winstrol and some equipose and i also have some anavar comeing and i also have clomid can someone help me figure out a good cycle to get me cut and gain some quality muscle
my idea was 600mg/week deca weeks 1-10
anavar 20mg/day weeks 1-10
winstrol 50mg eod weeks 5-10
equipose 400mg/day weeks 1-10
then clomid weeks 12-15
any suggestions would be appericated and still trying to find out information about liquidex
Definitely need some anti-E's in there bro if you want to avoid the bloat from deca (and a little possible from EQ).
DRveejay11 said:
Definitely need some anti-E's in there bro if you want to avoid the bloat from deca (and a little possible from EQ).

Yes I agree, and some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) also because the Deca will shut you down hard.
id personaly drop the deca add test and ldex and maybe up the eq a small amount.
also you could run teh Anavar (var) 3-13 and the Winstrol (winny) 8-13 and start clomid imediately after.
Bronco is right on here. dump the deca and add test. then you will be fine with a little liq. don't forget the clomid and nolvadex just in case and post cycle.
have all you gear laid in front of you before you even start it!!!
i cant get nolvadex around here so if i do start to get some gyno im kinda fucked the reason why im takeing deca is because thats all i can get really my sources suck i have to wait around a month for stuff to come in
WALLY said:
i cant get nolvadex around here so if i do start to get some gyno im kinda fucked the reason why im takeing deca is because thats all i can get really my sources suck i have to wait around a month for stuff to come in
why can't you get nolv? didn't i just tell you were to get it?
if you dont have everything on hand for your cycle including anciliaries id hold off untill you can get them.