Help with Diet for Anavar


New member
Morning/Afternoon all,

Ill be receiving my Var here soon, and id like to get a solid diet down. Im not quite sure where to start. I have been looking at others diets but most are for guys that are over 220 pounds. So i dont know how the amounts scale.

(doing 50mg per for 6 weeks)

Im 23
6 foot
183 pounds
less than 18% bf (under 18 for sure)

Im not looking to gain more than 8 pounds. Id like to stay in the 180's till i start test later on in a month or two.
The cycle is straight var and nothing else. I have good muscle form but my body doesnt want to cut for some reason no matter how hard i work out. So i was looking into anavar and sounded like its just what i need.

So if i could borrow some time from you knowledgeable bros i would very much appreciate it. Basically i need a diet plan built from scratch. Like i said im looking to stay into the 180's, and i know the var isnt meant to really bulk. Im looking for the strength and cut at my current weight. Any help appreciated! And please, no FISH or Pork. :D thanks again
Save the Var money and get a 4 week diet from 3J. You will not keep your gains and chances are you'll lose muscle. If you want to stay in the 180's, tweak your diet or post in the diet forum.

Eat your carbs for breakfast, pre workout and post workout. Do cardio in the am everyday. Low carb on non workout days. Get down to a lean 170 or whatever and then do a bulking diet from 3J. Cheaper than steroids and in your case you will keep more muscle in the end. If you are almost my height and are 180 and around 18%, you are not ready for AAS in any form. Don't do oral only. Eat fish.
Save the Var money and get a 4 week diet from 3J. You will not keep your gains and chances are you'll lose muscle. If you want to stay in the 180's, tweak your diet or post in the diet forum.

Eat your carbs for breakfast, pre workout and post workout. Do cardio in the am everyday. Low carb on non workout days. Get down to a lean 170 or whatever and then do a bulking diet from 3J. Cheaper than steroids and in your case you will keep more muscle in the end. If you are almost my height and are 180 and around 18%, you are not ready for AAS in any form. Don't do oral only. Eat fish.

Listen to Brad - hes been where you are now . Save the var for a test/var cycle after you get your bodyfat right . Eat fish , especially salmon......high in protein and the good omega fats .
No oral only? Straight to the test/var cycle?
I already have one planned out like so:

Week 1-10 test E @ 500mg/week. Monday AM and Thursday PM
week 11 and 12 nothing
Week 13,14,15,16 Begin post cycle therapy (pct) With Nolva @ 40/40/20/20

Also, i say no fish because i cannot stand the smell of it. Makes me so sick to my stomach. And i can throw in protein shakes to make up for it. I also have some insanely good omega 3 bars.

The advice is appreciated. But can you explain why for one you say Var alone is no good. I have heard good things from var only cycles. Also why no pills only? Thanks again guys
Var solo will work, and you'll have good effects from it but it works synergistically with test, so your results will be magnafied. However, with the addition of test, you will gain more weight then maybe you'd like from a number standpoint, but I guarantee you your bodyfat percentage will decrease at a good rate. Eat clean and a test and var cycle will treat you well. Test should be at the base of every cycle for optimal results.
I am not saying it won't work somewhat, I am saying similar to Bulldog. I think your diet is the issue rather than needing AAS at this point. Not putting you down, I got diet help myself. I don't think I could get under 200 pounds if I wanted to now.

I thought I was eating good, I was eating clean enough, but until I got with 3J I had no clue. Not nearly enough protein and fats and my ratios were way off.

If you decide to go the test/Var way, please monitor your blood pressure and get bloodwork done prior so you can track your health. At your weight, maying a big difference wouldn't be that hard with some diet help for a couple months. The test/Var AND a diet plan will get you 200+ in 3 months with lower bodyfat.
I was reading about the clinical use of Anavar and it was originally designed to be taken by both sexes alone with no testosterone base . It seems sports doctors and bodybuilders started stacking it with test to replace the blood test levels that var shuts down....
With var alone i was looking at a goal of no more than 190. I know using test/var i would most likely gain more than that. Id look to be at a goal of no more than 210. Im not looking to get MASSIVE to the point where i cant wear a shirt lol. For some guys thats the goal but not for me :D

In the test cycle where should the var start? Week 14-16?

Week 1-10 test E @ 500mg/week. Monday AM and Thursday PM
week 11 and 12 nothing
Week 13,14,15,16 Begin my post cycle therapy (pct) With Nolva @ 40/40/20/20

As for the diet part. I agree completely. Im do intend to get the better diet cuz i know that i can improve. Is there someone out there with a good diet not meant to gain insane amounts with test/var?