Help with doses on NPP/Deca


New member
Hey guys, can someone have a look at this and give me some feedback?

Given one bottle of 100mg NPP and one bottle of 300mg Deca, how would you kickstart into the Deca?

I'm thinking of pinning 300mg Test E, 75mg NPP and 75mg Deca e3d. Once the NPP is gone, I'll run the Deca at 150 e3d along with the test.

Does that seem reasonable? I'm trying not to end up with a huge amount of nandrolone in my system on the front end.
You have one vial of each? Am I understanding this correctly? If so, I don't think you have enough to run nandrolone properly, with or without the NPP kick start.
You have one vial of each? Am I understanding this correctly? If so, I don't think you have enough to run nandrolone properly, with or without the NPP kick start.

I can get more, that isn't a problem. But my plan was to run it at ~300mg/week for ~12 weeks. The two bottles total 4000mg, which would be 13 weeks @ 300.
I can get more, that isn't a problem. But my plan was to run it at ~300mg/week for ~12 weeks. The two bottles total 4000mg, which would be 13 weeks @ 300.

That's a low dose of Deca with regard to mass gain OP...

I'd be looking to pin 500mg per week minimum personally.

Also with regard to your calculations, you aren't allowing much for natural wastage during injects. 13 x 300 = 3900.
I feel you'll lose more than that as waste during your cycle.
I can get more, that isn't a problem. But my plan was to run it at ~300mg/week for ~12 weeks. The two bottles total 4000mg, which would be 13 weeks @ 300.

jeez, 300mg of deca a week is what I cruise on. Why so low?
I don't understand why more guys don't read up on the profiles of the compounds they choose to use. There are many different printings of the steroid profiles and most if not all will tell you the best and most preferable dose to run for the basic intentions by using the compound.

Deca as I know it should be run in excess of 500mgs wk. A good dose would be 600mgs week for a min of 12 weeks. IMOP the use of NPP for a Deca kicker would not change this. The NPP would be used to activate the Nandrolone quicker than the Decanoate ester.

If you only want the lubricating effects of Deca for your joints then that is a different and more specific usage.

OH, PS : as said you aren't figuring any waste. No matter what you think you will have some waste. Unfortunately this comes with the territory and so it is very difficult to calculate so closely .
Good Luck
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jeez, 300mg of deca a week is what I cruise on. Why so low?

It's my first time running it. Would rather be somewhat conservative than start off with 500-600mg and discover I'm sensitive to sides from it.

I don't understand why more guys don't read up on the profiles of the compounds they choose to use. There are many different printings of the steroid profiles and most if not all will tell you the best and most preferable dose to run for the basic intentions by using the compound.

Deca as I know it should be run in excess of 500mgs wk. A good dose would be 600mgs week for a min of 12 weeks. IMOP the use of NPP for a Deca kicker would not change this. The NPP would be used to activate the Nandrolone quicker than the Decanoate ester.

If you only want the lubricating effects of Deca for your joints then that is a different and more specific usage.

OH, PS : as said you aren't figuring any waste. No matter what you think you will have some waste. Unfortunately this comes with the territory and so it is very difficult to calculate so closely .
Good Luck

IMO, I've done plenty of reading. The steroid profile ON THIS SITE says 300-600mg is the normal dose range. If you look at ten different opinions, you'll read anywhere from 300 to 500 as a normal first Deca cycle. I'm just trying to play it somewhat safe.

I also have a GF who isn't aware I use AAS. So if rather not shut down my sex drive entirely until I know how I respond to the stuff. This is also why I'd like to keep the ratio 2:1 test:deca at least to start

You guys are right that I didn't take waste into account. My source is reliable and isn't going anywhere, so I'll grab another bottle before it becomes a panic to do so.
It's my first time running it. Would rather be somewhat conservative than start off with 500-600mg and discover I'm sensitive to sides from it.

IMO, I've done plenty of reading. The steroid profile ON THIS SITE says 300-600mg is the normal dose range. If you look at ten different opinions, you'll read anywhere from 300 to 500 as a normal first Deca cycle. I'm just trying to play it somewhat safe.

I also have a GF who isn't aware I use AAS. So if rather not shut down my sex drive entirely until I know how I respond to the stuff. This is also why I'd like to keep the ratio 2:1 test:deca at least to start

You guys are right that I didn't take waste into account. My source is reliable and isn't going anywhere, so I'll grab another bottle before it becomes a panic to do so.

The vast majority of side effects are preventable by simply controlling estradiol. Yes, some unlucky few do get hit with the limp hammer even with perfect estradiol, but that too is fixable with a good dose of prami/bromo/caber.

I am pretty conservative in my advice with beginners, but there's the fact that you are taking a gamble. You're risking permanent shut down regardless of dose, so if you're going to do it - do it properly imo. Test can stay where it's at, but if you want to see real results (diet is the king here of course), you'll want more nandrolone. The suggestion of 500mg/wk is actually pretty conservative and will yield great results. However, I would run it at a MINIMUM of twelve weeks, with test going 14. You'll also want to be sure you have your AI and DA (prami, etc) at the get go, as well as your PCT laid out. Those ancillary meds (don't forget HCG!) will make or break your cycle, and are often the lacking key component that often leads to disaster.
jeez, 300mg of deca a week is what I cruise on. Why so low?

The vast majority of side effects are preventable by simply controlling estradiol. Yes, some unlucky few do get hit with the limp hammer even with perfect estradiol, but that too is fixable with a good dose of prami/bromo/caber.

I am pretty conservative in my advice with beginners, but there's the fact that you are taking a gamble. You're risking permanent shut down regardless of dose, so if you're going to do it - do it properly imo. Test can stay where it's at, but if you want to see real results (diet is the king here of course), you'll want more nandrolone. The suggestion of 500mg/wk is actually pretty conservative and will yield great results. However, I would run it at a MINIMUM of twelve weeks, with test going 14. You'll also want to be sure you have your AI and DA (prami, etc) at the get go, as well as your PCT laid out. Those ancillary meds (don't forget HCG!) will make or break your cycle, and are often the lacking key component that often leads to disaster.

Thanks for the detailed response. I appreciate it and will strongly consider upping the nandrolone dose. Say I did pick up more Deca to run 500 for 12+ weeks, how would you incorporate the NPP up front?

I'll have to be careful to watch the estradiol while running the Deca. I'm generally not sensitive to estrogen sides, minus some water retention. Had blood work where my E2 was 80+ running just test and honestly expected it was going to be on the low side. Since then I'm more careful obviously, but it's not something I've been overly concerned with to this point. Will bump up the Adex a tad and get bloods done to make sure it stays in check.
Thanks for the detailed response. I appreciate it and will strongly consider upping the nandrolone dose. Say I did pick up more Deca to run 500 for 12+ weeks, how would you incorporate the NPP up front?

I'll have to be careful to watch the estradiol while running the Deca. I'm generally not sensitive to estrogen sides, minus some water retention. Had blood work where my E2 was 80+ running just test and honestly expected it was going to be on the low side. Since then I'm more careful obviously, but it's not something I've been overly concerned with to this point. Will bump up the Adex a tad and get bloods done to make sure it stays in check.

you talk about conservative and worry about being sensitive then next question is about kick-starting? Seems a little contradictory/hypocritical of you.

I'd stay away from the kick-start.

Run 500mg for 12-16 weeks and enjoy the effect.

If you like it, run deca or npp again. Then consider kickstarting with NPP if using deca. I'm a bigger fan of oral kick-starts as var/sdrol/tbol/m1t (and dbol really) are easily managed so I'd use them the first 4 weeks. Quicker kick-start as well as most pills have an acetate type half-life (1.5 days), compared to npp which as phenyl-prop, is around 3-4 days.

Deca, for me, is side effect free until about 1.2g and I've never ran higher than that...not that I need too anyway!