Help with peptides


New member
So I was wondering if anyone new some good websites where I can really learn about the different types of peptides. I would like to gain a little mass and lose some Bf. Overall just have a nice little recomp. If anyone can give me some advice. I am a little prone to gaining gyno. I get puffy nipples if I dont watch my diet.
Hi machine, what questions did you have?
So I was wondering if anyone new some good websites where I can really learn about the different types of peptides. I would like to gain a little mass and lose some Bf. Overall just have a nice little recomp. If anyone can give me some advice. I am a little prone to gaining gyno. I get puffy nipples if I dont watch my diet.

There is not one sticky in the peptide section. We really need to work on getting some info posted up about the different peptides, how to use them, which combinations and what they do for people to be able to fully utilize them for their research.

And we need to do this in terms that regular people understand, not just copy and paste medical studies.

What do you guys think?
These are good resources you are posting.

I feel we need something more simplified for the casual researcher.

There is a certain guy who has a site and he explains them well in some threads but he is also very protective of anything he writes and won't allow it off of his site. He would put a hit on me if I were to pull a copy and paste job on his work lol

I know of an expert that I might be able to talk into helping put a manual of the more popular peptides together, with mixing, dosages, cycle lengths for the research animals., Something practical that anyone can easily understand.

A big reason more guys aren't taking advantage of peptides is simply because they don't understand them and how to use them effectively on their research subjects.

I stayed on the basics AAS and HGH for a long time and it's time I get with the times and include more peptides. They are cost effective and certain ones are nothing short of amazing in the changes they can produce to a hamsters body :)
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talking about datbtru?
These are good resources you are posting.

I feel we need something more simplified for the casual researcher.

There is a certain guy who has a site and he explains them well in some threads but he is also very protective of anything he writes and won't allow it off of his site. He would put a hit on me if I were to pull a copy and paste job on his work lol

I know of an expert that I might be able to talk into helping put a manual of the more popular peptides together, with mixing, dosages, cycle lengths for the research animals., Something practical that anyone can easily understand.

A big reason more guys aren't taking advantage of peptides is simply because they don't understand them and how to use them effectively on their research subjects.

I stayed on the basics AAS and HGH for a long time and it's time I get with the times and include more peptides. They are cost effective and certain ones are nothing short of amazing in the changes they can produce to a hamsters body :)

There is not one sticky in the peptide section. We really need to work on getting some info posted up about the different peptides, how to use them, which combinations and what they do for people to be able to fully utilize them for their research.

And we need to do this in terms that regular people understand, not just copy and paste medical studies.

What do you guys think?

That would be nice. Theres a lot of info out there in regard to peptides but some alot of that info is misinformation just like aas... That would be nice tho if there was some sticky.
I too was looking for a good place to learn about peptides, and as others have said, DatBTrue's site is the best place I have found.

From what I've seen on forums and such, the most common class of peptides is the growth hormone related peptides. To make it very simple, you want to use:
- Mod GRF @ 100 mcg
- GHRP-2 @ 100 mcg

Do this 2 or 3 times per day on an empty stomach and don't eat for 20-30 minutes afterwards. Common dosing times include morning upon waking, post-workout before drinking a shake/eating a meal, and right before bedtime. You may use GHRP-6 or Ipamorelin in place of GHRP-2, but I'll let you research the reasons for doing so if you are so inclined. I'm pretty sure these peptides do not downregulate or suppress anything, so you can run them for as long as you want (I think even indefinitely) and stop at any time. That said, I've heard that you'll want to run them for 3 months to see good results.

The next most common class is probably IGF related peptides, which I have not yet started to read up on...
I would suggest CJC 1293/ghrp-2 combo for your research animals. 100mcg's each 2-3 times daily.
I guess my question is, what are some peptides that could help with putting on a little mass but overall just losing some BF or just overall some body recomp.
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I would suggest CJC 1293/ghrp-2 combo. 100mcg's each 2-3 times daily.

Would this cycle be ok, even if I am a little prone to gyno. Cause i know some ppl are concerned with the prolactin with GHRP-6, am I right? If so, wouldnt that be an issue with the GHRP2 as well. And this cycle would also help with adding a little mass, or muscle for that matter?? BTW, I appreciate everyone helping out with this.
I have best results in research with durations of dosages continuing for 3months. AND everyone should know better than to act as if a peptide, pill or hormone can do a magical recomposing act on the body. IT'S ALL ABOUT HOW YOU TRAIN, EAT AND REST!!

The substance is going to do nothing more than it's scientific effect. Most peptides in discussion elevate either the secretion or burst intensity of natural growth hormone. What you DO with your elevated GH, Test, Estrogen or what ever, is going to entirely produce your result. Not the hormones them selves alone. Sit on the couch and you will be disappointed. Otherwise it's about training!
Would this cycle be ok, even if I am a little prone to gyno. Cause i know some ppl are concerned with the prolactin with GHRP-6, am I right? If so, wouldnt that be an issue with the GHRP2 as well. And this cycle would also help with adding a little mass, or muscle for that matter?? BTW, I appreciate everyone helping out with this.

I've read that GHRP-6 can mildly effect prolactin. GHRP-2 has more of an effect, but it still stays within the normal range.

My guess: you'll probably be fine with GHRP-2. If you're really worried about it then get Ipamorelin, which has a negligible effect on prolactin but does not cause as much GH release as GHRP-2.
Also does it matter whether is CJC1293 with DAC

You want Mod GRF. There is some ambiguity with names (e.g. Wikipedia says that CJC-1293 is Mod GRF, but I do not think this is correct). You do NOT want DAC. That will cause GH bleed, which is a slow and steady release of GH. What you want are pulses of GH, and this is what Mod GRF + a GHRP will deliver.
I've read that GHRP-6 can mildly effect prolactin. GHRP-2 has more of an effect, but it still stays within the normal range.

My guess: you'll probably be fine with GHRP-2. If you're really worried about it then get Ipamorelin, which has a negligible effect on prolactin but does not cause as much GH release as GHRP-2.

I know already this is going to raise some eyebrows but do you want to control prolactin and experience absolutely no sides?

Vit B-6 @ 300mg per day, problem solved.

These are old man methods! please interject your thoughts.

I know when I break out my old tricks some of you guys are like WTF :p
I know already this is going to raise some eyebrows but do you want to control prolactin and experience absolutely no sides?

Vit B-6 @ 300mg per day, problem solved.

These are old man methods! please interject your thoughts.

I know when I break out my old tricks some of you guys are like WTF :p

Interesting! Im gonna look into that. Thanks for that little info
You want Mod GRF. There is some ambiguity with names (e.g. Wikipedia says that CJC-1293 is Mod GRF, but I do not think this is correct). You do NOT want DAC. That will cause GH bleed, which is a slow and steady release of GH. What you want are pulses of GH, and this is what Mod GRF + a GHRP will deliver.

No one got back to me on time, but thats what I got(without dac). I bought 5 bottles. Im gonna take it slow and work up to 3 shot a day. I might do 2 a day though starting off... Shit is a bit pricey so I wanna see what it can do before I throw more money on it...